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Grip-type decoding. a, Hand configurations 1–20 and confusion matrices expressing decoding performance during the planning and hold epochs, respectively,

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Presentation on theme: "Grip-type decoding. a, Hand configurations 1–20 and confusion matrices expressing decoding performance during the planning and hold epochs, respectively,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grip-type decoding. a, Hand configurations 1–20 and confusion matrices expressing decoding performance during the planning and hold epochs, respectively, of one recording session. Grip-type decoding. a, Hand configurations 1–20 and confusion matrices expressing decoding performance during the planning and hold epochs, respectively, of one recording session. Grip types were decoded using simultaneously recorded neurons from areas AIP, F5, and M1. Hand configurations and grip-type numbers as in Figure 6. b, c, Grip-type decoding performances are summarized across all recording sessions for each implanted microelectrode array during the planning and hold epochs (mean ± SD). Note that array-specific decoding results were limited to a maximum of 30 neurons to allow a fair comparison of arrays. Color code as in Figure 5c. Stefan Schaffelhofer et al. J. Neurosci. 2015;35: ©2015 by Society for Neuroscience

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