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Bellwork: Tues. Jan. 24, 2017 White coat color (WW) is co-dominant to red coat color in cattle (RR). What would the genotypes and phenotypes be for parental.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork: Tues. Jan. 24, 2017 White coat color (WW) is co-dominant to red coat color in cattle (RR). What would the genotypes and phenotypes be for parental."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork: Tues. Jan. 24, 2017 White coat color (WW) is co-dominant to red coat color in cattle (RR). What would the genotypes and phenotypes be for parental cattle if a farmer crossed two with roan coats. Cross:____________________ Genotype(s): Phenotype(s): A florist has flowers that exhibit incomplete dominance. Red petals are incompletely dominant to white petals. What would the genotype(s) and phenotype(s) be for offspring a cross between two plants with pink flowers? 1

2 Notes Pedigree: a special chart that uses a particular set of standardized symbols.

3 A pedigree chart shows relationships within a family.
Genetic counselors analyze pedigree charts to infer the genotypes of family members. Symbols 3

4 used to show the passage of inherited traits through a family
Males are represented by squares Females by circles

5 An individual who exhibits the trait in question, like, someone who suffers from hemophilia, is shown by shading the square or circle

6 A line between two symbols represents a mating

7 Offspring are connected to each other by a horizontal line above the symbols and to the parents by vertical lines.

8 Roman numerals (I, II, III, etc.) symbolize generations

9 Arabic numerals (1,2,3, etc.) symbolize individuals within each generation. In this way, any individual within the pedigree can be identified by the combination of two numbers (i.e., individual II3).  

10 Inherited traits can be traced through a family’s history by making a pedigree chart.  


12 A circle represents a female.
A horizontal line connecting a male and a female represents a marriage. A square represents a male. A vertical line and a bracket connect the parents to their children. A circle represents a female. A circle represents a female. A shaded circle or square indicates that a person expresses the trait. This drawing shows what the symbols in a pedigree represent. A circle or square that is not shaded indicates that a person does not express the trait. 12


14 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

15 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

16 Make sure you have included:
1. Roman Numerals for each Generation: I, II, III… 2. Number each individual within the generation 1,2,3,4 etc. 3. Put each individuuals name 4. Put each individuals genotype DD, Dd or dd AND don’t forget to shade in if the individual had dimples I love u •◘○♦♣♠☺☻♥ <3

17 Queen Victoria and Hemophila
News Link (“Today’s Treatments)

18 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

19 A B C Bellwork: Thurs. Jan. 13, 2016
Draw this pedigree in your notes and write the answers on it!!! What is the relationship between the two individuals in circle “A”? What does a shaded square represent? Write the genotypes above the shapes. Use: AA, Aa or aa 4. What is the relationship between the individuals in oval “C”? 5. How many generations are represented? Label THEM!!! How do you number the individuals? Do it! A B C 19


21 more about human blood types


23 The Rh blood group is determined by a single gene with two alleles—positive and negative.
The positive (Rh+) allele is dominant, so individuals who are Rh+/Rh+ or Rh+/Rh are said to be Rh-positive. Individuals with two Rh- alleles are said to be Rh-negative. What is the genotype for Rh of the individual in the picture? B- A didn’t coagulate, B did, Rh didn’t 23

24 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

25 Bellwork: Wed. Jan. 21, 2015 1. What are the chances of a woman who is homozygous for blood type A and a man who is heterozygous for blood type B having offspring with Blood type AB? Cross: ______ x ______ Genotypic ratio: Phenotypic ratio: Probability: 2. A normal male and a colorblind female are having a baby. What is the probability that their child will be colorblind? Cross _____ x _______ 25

26 Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall

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