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© The Author(s) Published by Science and Education Publishing.

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1 © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Science and Education Publishing.
Table 5A. Critical limits for interpreting levels of soil chemical properties from literatures Soil properties Very low Low Moderate High pH <3.0 >7.5 Organic carbon (gkg-1) <2.0 5.5-10 >10 Total nitrogen (gkg-1) <1.5 >5.0 Available phosphorus (gkg-1) 8.0-20 >20 Potassium (Cmolkg) <2.2 >1.10 Calcium (Cmolkg) 2.0 5.0-10 >10.0 Magnesium (Cmolkg) <0.5 Iron (mgkg-1) <50 55-75 75-105 >105 Zinc (mgkg-1) Manganese (mgkg-1) <10 20-40 40-100 >100 Copper (mgkg-1) 10-20 25-40 >40 ECEC (Cmolkg-1) 10-15 15-2x0 Source: Hazelton & Murphy, (2007); Kparmwang & Malgwi, (1979); Isirima et al., (2003); Abe et al., (2010); FAO (1996); Holland et al., (1989); Uquetan, (2013). Uquetan U. I. et al. Evaluation of Soil Quality in Relation to Landuse Effect in Akamkpa, Cross River State – Nigeria. Applied Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2017, Vol. 5, No. 2, doi: /aees-5-2-2 © The Author(s) Published by Science and Education Publishing.

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