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Personnel and education

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1 Personnel and education
Financial sector personnel by number age structure educational background occupation

2 Financial sector personnel 2018 by age structure
Source: EK wage statistics

3 Financial sector personnel 2018 by educational background
Source: EK wage statistics

4 Financial sector personnel 2018 by employment relationship
Source: EK wage statistics

5 Financial sector personnel 2018 by level of education
Source: EK wage statistics

6 Financial sector personnel 2000-2018 by educational background
Source: EK wage statistics

7 Financial sector personnel 2018 by occupation
Source: EK wage statistics

8 Proportion of personnel aged 59 or older
Sources: Statistics Finland and EK wage statistics

9 Proportion of women in the financial sector
Source: EK wage statistics

10 Women in the financial sector proportion by occupation
Source: EK wage statistics

11 Personnel in Finnish banks and insurance companies

12 Bank personnel and offices
Source: Statistics Finland, ECB, FFI

13 Employed persons by industry 2018
A-B Agriculture, forestry and fishery; mining (01-09) 101 C-E Manufacturing; Electricity, gas, steam, sewerage, waste management… (10-39) 361 F Construction (41-43) 198 G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles (45-47) 292 H Transportation and storage (49-53) 143 I Accommodation and food service activities (55-56) 86 J Information and communication (58-63) 114 K, L Financial and insurance activities; real estate activities (64-68) 77 M, N Professional, scientific and technical activities; administrative and support service activities (69-82) 291 O Public administration and defence; statutory social security (84) 116 P Education (85) 184 Q Healthcare and social services (86-88) 417 R-U Arts, entertainment and recreation; other service activities (90-99) 153 FFI member companies 37 Sources: Statistics Finland and EK

14 APV1 and APV2 qualifications obtained in Finland
Source: APV Investment Examinations Ltd

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