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ICMPD Presentation : Eurocities Working Group on Migration & Integration Rabat Process Secretariat 14 June 2019.

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1 ICMPD Presentation : Eurocities Working Group on Migration & Integration
Rabat Process Secretariat 14 June 2019

2 ICMPD Mission Statement
Making migration and mobility orderly, safe and regular, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies. Rabat Process Secretariat 14 June 2019

3 Reason why Migration is an important political issue, connected with highly emotional and sometimes even extreme or populistic point of views. ICMPD strives to contribute to a balanced narrative on migration ; it takes a neutral stance and aims to bring all important stakeholders to the table. ICMPD works with governments and their institutions to create the right conditions for improved migration management, be it via dialogue, research or capacity building. Rabat Process Secretariat 14 June 2019

4 The three-pronged approach
ICMPD has experience in bridging the gap between theory and practise It provides policy makers and politicians with groundwork to take decisions + is present on the ground, with its capacity building activities in various areas of migration management ICMPD takes a comprehensive approach and works on all aspects of migration embodied in the Global Approach to Migration and Mobility (GAMM) Rabat Process Secretariat 14 June 2019

5 ICMPD’s knowledge on cities & local authorities
Aim of project To promote mutual learning between cities on migrant integration, to allow cities to share knowledge and exchange ideas. To ensure that migrants are welcomed in host community and that services and policies are adapted to a diverse population. Interested in role of local authorities in fostering integration through multilevel governance systems. Network of cities in 1st phase of project Amman, Beirut, Lisbon, Lyon, Madrid, Tangier, Tunis, Turin, Vienna. ICMPD is co-implementer of MC2CM project in a consortium with United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and UN-Habitat. The project is based on Dialogue, Knowledge & Action . Dialogue is created by connecting cities through transnational network, delivering peer-to-peer exchanges and sharing knowledge. The project’s aims echo those of Eurocities WG on migration and integration (i.e. mutual learning, sharing knowledge, ensuring migrants are welcome and that cities are equipped) and is interested in multi level governance of migration. During 1st phase of project, network of 9 cities from wider MED region established - selected according to their comparable size, relevant % of migrants, experience in international cooperation and integration /diversity practices In 2nd phase, the network could be expanded to include additional cities from Southern Neighbourhood + Intermediary cities + Cities from greater neighbourhood countries + Europe Rabat Process Secretariat 14 June 2019

6 Achievements of project :
Brought migration to the forefront of cities which had previously limited experience in local governance of migration. The production of City Migration Profiles and Priority Papers for the 9 cities The production of case studies (examples of challenges faced by the cities & how these were overcome) Enabled cities to address common challenges and through peer-to-peer events –creation of a community of practice Development and adoption of City Migration Profiles and Priority Papers valuable and unique information about the local situation of migrants in each city set out data and information on the local migration context in partner cities as well as future priorities to address provided a unique opportunity to generate interest and ownership of the process of local development and urban planning As a platform, MC2CM enabled cities to address common challenges such as: safeguarding social cohesion; ensuring access to basic services as well as to housing, education and employment for newcomers; addressing needs of specific target groups such as asylum seekers and refugees; and ensuring human rights of migrants are guaranteed Rabat Process Secretariat 14 June 2019

7 ICMPD knowledge about cities & local authorities
ICMPD is an implementing partner of the ERRIN (European Return and Reintegration Network) programme The “Reach Out” project is being implemented through the ERRIN facility Cities are involved in this project, reaching out to stranded migrants in irregular stay ICMPD is an implementing partner of the ERRIN programme, providing expertise and administrative support ERRIN facilitates cooperation between migration authorities caters for a wide range of needs, covering the entire return process + facilitates reintegration assistance for returning migrants Through the ERRIN facility the Reach Out project (involving cities) is being implemented. Jeroen Vandekerckhove from FedAsil (partner in the project) will present this project here today! Rabat Process Secretariat 14 June 2019

8 ICMPD knowledge about cities & local authorities
MPF : platform for dialogue & cooperation among EU MS and (select) partner countries. Has tested ways of working with local authorities so that they act as agents of cooperation. For example, pilot projects on legal migration, such as :  MENTOR (Mediterranean Network for Training Orientation on Regular Migration) implemented by City of Milan Experiences have demonstrated that Cities and decentralised authorities are capable of implementing mobility schemes based on mutual needs Collaborative approach and proximity of local level to wider public builds trust and counters negative perception of migration Mobility Partnership Facility (MPF) is an EU-funded initiative contributing to the operationalisation of the Global Approach to Migration and Mobility (GAMM) MPF aims to strengthen the European Union (EU) dialogue and cooperation on migration and mobility issues with its main partner countries The Facility provides a platform for dialogue and cooperation on migration-related topics among EU MS and (select) partner countries While the main recipients of MPF funding opportunities are central / national authorities, the Facility tests ways of working with local authorities may act as agents of cooperation MPF recognises that local actors play a key role in integration and that they can facilitate interactions with the third sector. MENTOR : contributed to the improvement of temporary and circular migration schemes for young people between Italy, Morocco and Tunisia through professional internships for non-Community citizens residing abroad, Rabat Process Secretariat 14 June 2019

9 ICMPD expertise and knowledge: migration dialogues & cooperation
ICMPD has expertise in the facilitation of regional migration dialogues. It implements the Secretariat for the Rabat Process Rabat Process Secretariat 14 June 2019

10 The Rabat Process : a closer look
Regional migration dialogue, brings together countries of origin, transit and destination of migration routes linking Central, West & Northern Africa with Europe. Over 60 partners including the EC & ECOWAS Open dialogue between national administrations about technical and political questions related to migration and development. Rabat Process strategic framework based on 5 domains, accompanied by Political Declaration As Secretariat we facilitate the Dialogue Full name: Euro-african Dialogue on M&D Functions through network of national focal points (central / national government level) mainly Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or Ministry of African Integration & Diaspora (for African partners) 5 domains of action plan: 1) M&D/ root causes ; 2) legal migration and mobility ; 3) protection and asylum ; 4) THB, SoM and fight against irregular migration; 5) R&R&R Role of Secretariat bringing people together, creating the conditions so that discussions on potentially sensitive migration issues can take place ensuring balanced (Euro-African) participation Facilitating network and trust-building Facilitating information and knowledge-sharing Providing technical input and expertise ; ensuring relevant policies are discussed Acting as a source of innovation Supporting the governance of the dialogues (Steering Committee and Chair) Providing communication and logistical support Rabat Process Secretariat 14 June 2019

11 Rabat Process and cities / local authorities (why are we here today?)
Recognition of cities and local authorities as key actors in migration and development processes Wishes to interact more with cities and local authorities, believes this could be mutually beneficial Opportunities to include cities /local authorites in Rabat Process activities : Workshop: Remittances & development (Nov 2019) Workshop : Voluntary Return and Reintegration (Feb 2020) Event : Cities and migration (aims to improve the role of cities in migration governance - 1st semester 2020) Recognises key role of cities & local authorities Important role of the local and regional authorities in implementing recently adopted global agreements, New Urban Agenda and GCM. Both firmly recognise the development potential of migration and endeavour to further the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. Both global frameworks explicitly recognise the important role that local and regional authorities hold in achieving success. RP’s own Political Declaration : “inclusive and multi-stakeholder” approach Believes that exchange between its (national-level govt.) partners and cities/local authorities could be mutually beneficial Enable RP partners to gain a better understanding of the needs and experience of local authorities Enable RP partners to benefit from knowledge of local authorities on implementation of national policies and legislation at city / local level (what works/what doesn’t) Enable local authorities and urban platforms and networks to share their experiences in the implementation of migration policies and projects with Rabat Process partners Possible that exchange could strengthen coordination between local and national levels of government Rabat Process Secretariat 14 June 2019

12 Rabat Process and cities / local authorities (why are we here today?)
We would like to hear from you! Which aspects of the RP strategic plan are most of interest & concern to you, as major European cities? Would you be interested in participating in RP events and what would you hope to gain? Are there any aspects of our work you would like to know more about? RP Secretariat is carrying out a reflection process: which cities? Which topics? Possible to create multi-level governance and how to do this (RP mandate – national govt.)? Rabat Process Secretariat 14 June 2019

13 Thanks for your attention!
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