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Creative Writing Project #3

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1 Creative Writing Project #3
Blackout Poetry Creative Writing Project #3

2 What are Blackout Poems?
Poems, sentences, or phrases created from the words of a newspaper or a novel.

3 How do I create one? Start with a piece of text. It could be from a book, newspaper, magazine, or whatever you can find. Circle (in pencil) words you think you MIGHT like to use in your poem.

4 Then what? Write your circled words IN ORDER on another sheet of paper. Can you put together a story? An interesting sentence? Add or delete words until you can make it happen.

5 Then what? Circle/keep the words you KNOW you want to use in your poem.

6 Now the fun part… Black out everything else!

7 Will grow almost anywhere As long as they are handled carefully They
Hearts Will grow almost anywhere As long as they are handled carefully They Will flower summer autumn winter spring

8 Follow me I Have Many Maps

9 Job to know where to look
Telescopes see The light Of the universe Using this trick Known as glass It Is Our Job to know where to look

10 I softly Disappear At Night I Fall In my skin Like A Whisper

11 Anyone Can Scribble out Words The Clever part is Knowing Which To leave

12 Is that machine that kills
Nothing Is like I think it Is I never imagined anger Is that machine that kills

13 Life we have managed to find Love And Some sacrifice Will Allow Us To
I don’t want to Be separated from Her But In the chaos of Life we have managed to find Love And Some sacrifice Will Allow Us To Emerge stronger than ever

14 Slaves To Music Dance Their own dances

15 Remember to be careful with your piece of writing!!
Work with pencil, and mark lightly Do NOT black anything out until you’re absolutely sure you’re ready Be careful while blacking out words. Go slowly. One mistake and you’ll have to start over 

16 Grading Rubric Requirement 10 (excellent) 8 (good) 6 (okay)
4 (needs work) Clear and understandable poem Tells a story or has a message Poem glued, stapled, or taped to nice paper. Name included. Overall effort and presentation

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