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Company Profile. About Us Maverik Green Tech Private Limited (MGTPL) has been promoted by Tushar Gandhi and Vihar Pancholi. The promoters conceived idea.

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Presentation on theme: "Company Profile. About Us Maverik Green Tech Private Limited (MGTPL) has been promoted by Tushar Gandhi and Vihar Pancholi. The promoters conceived idea."— Presentation transcript:

1 Company Profile

2 About Us Maverik Green Tech Private Limited (MGTPL) has been promoted by Tushar Gandhi and Vihar Pancholi. The promoters conceived idea of a Grid connected Solar Power Project, since then they are pursuing investors to invest in this sunrise industry. Tushar Gandhi is a qualified Chartered Accountant from the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. He has been a consultant specializing in Company Restructuring and providing Investment Banking facilities. He promoted and successfully managed an aromatic chemical unit in Ankleshwar, Gujarat, INDIA, which was later sold to an MNC.

3 About Us Vihar Pancholi an MBA and Masters in Environmental Science has more than 12 years of experience in the environmental and renewable energy sector. He has successfully executed green energy projects and provides services for Carbon credit projects, Renewable Energy, Carbon Sequestration, Low Carbon Strategy and Carbon Neutrality. Tushar Gandhi and Vihar Pancholi joined together to steer their synergies and constituted MGTPL.

4 Our Services Solar Projects Multi Feed Bio Methanation Projects Carbon Credit Project Assistance Carbon Credit Trading Services Management Consultancy Project Investment Opportunities

5 Our Team Our EPC partners are a group of qualified engineers and have successfully executed GRID Connected and Off GRID Power Projects for MNCs, PSUs and Private Sectors.

6 Solar Energy Indian Scenario Indias solar potential is among highest in the world. India receives solar energy equivalent to over 5000 trillion KWh/ year, which is far more than the total energy consumption of the country. At MGTPL, we strongly believe that Energy Equity is necessary for ensuring Social Equity in India. Today more than 412 million Indians dont have access to electricity and Peak Gap has risen to an all time high of 16.7%. We firmly believe the answer lies in partnering with the sun and developing Grid Scale Solar Power Plants. In line with the goals of the National Solar Mission, MGTPL is now foraying in to the solar energy business and plans to set up large scale Grid Connected Solar Projects across India. (Source: MNRE, Government of India)

7 Advantages of Solar Energy No Fuel, Low running costs Modular nature Long-life Reliability Low maintenance Clean Energy, Avoids Green House Gas Emissions Adoption of Solar PV systems can drastically reduce global warming

8 Solar Technologies To harness solar energy there are two major technologies: 1.Solar Photovoltaic Technology 2.Solar Thermal Technology

9 Our Forte - Thin Film Technology MGTPL provides Thin Film Technology (TFT) which is also known as Amorphous Silicon Technology. The Company has supplied this technology to set up GRID connected projects in Australia, USA, Europe, South East Asia and Latin America.

10 Why Thin Film Technology…?

11 Comparison of PV Amorphous V/s. PV Crystalline Technology FeaturesPV Amorphous TechnologyPV Crystalline Technology Cost / MWCost effective i.e. INR 14.5 Crore / MWHigh cost i.e. INR 19 Crore / MW Performance Temp. RangeBest between 18 to 45 0 CentigradeOptimum @ 25 0 Centigrade Performance ConsistencyUninteruptedRestricted during cloudy weather Suitability for IndiaVery HighLow Output / MW installed Capacity~ approx. 1150 kWh / MW ~ approx. 850 kWh / MW in ideal condition Performance in High Temp. ConditionsHighVery Low Output @ high radiationHighLow Light Absorption Capacity / Nominal Watt PowerBestAverage Eco-friendlinessHighMedium Energy Payback Time / MW1.6 Years2.2 Years Land Area Required / MW7 Acres5 Acres Maintenance Cost / Annum1.5 %2 - 3 % Power Generation Duration / 24 hours7.5 - 8.5 Hrs5.5 Hrs

12 Thin Film PV Module Outlook




16 Conversion Efficiency isNOT Everything !!! The conversion efficiency was measured at STC (AM1.5, 1000W/m 2,25 o C) The occurrence of STC is less than 1%!! The conversion efficiency was measured at STC (AM1.5, 1000W/m 2,25 o C) The occurrence of STC is less than 1%!! Its the actual output mattered!!!

17 Temp. Coefficient & Irradiation Coefficient Irradiation Coefficient: at 80W/m 2 a-Si efficiency is 117% relative to STC c-Si efficiency is 88% relative to STC Temperature Coefficient: a-Si: efficiency -0.25% per °C increased c-Si: efficiency -0.46% per °C increased

18 To invest a 10MW solar farm in Spain 10MW a-Si system (CE: 7%) 10MW c-Si system (CE:12%) Assuming same investment cost, then the project ROI for a-Si would be 20% higher than c-Si. Tech/ CE Performance Ratio Investment Annual Electricity (GWh) Revenue (million $) Project ROI a-Si 7%90%$X17.217.2$7.161.2 Y c-Si 12%75%$X14.3$5.96Y R.O.I. Comparison






24 Contact Us: 2, Giribaug Society, Behind Centre Point, Alkapuri, R.C. Dutt Road, Vadodara – 390 005 INDIA. Phone: +91-265-234 3010 Email: Cell: Tushar Gandhi : +91 982 403 1879 Vihar Pancholi : +91 989 806 2970

25 Thank you.

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