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AO3: Explain suitable methods of collecting feedback and independently prepare resources for the collection of feedback.

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Presentation on theme: "AO3: Explain suitable methods of collecting feedback and independently prepare resources for the collection of feedback."— Presentation transcript:

1 AO3: Explain suitable methods of collecting feedback and independently prepare resources for the collection of feedback.

2 Why collect feedback? To assess how much the audience need to know
To assess how much they have learned To judge how effective the campaign is To assess your own performance and resources To be able to improve on future performance

3 Methods of collecting feedback
A ‘before and after’ questionnaire/quiz about the topic A witness statement with questions added A questionnaire on your own performance

4 Questionnaires Include a variety of question styles:
Closed – good for gathering data for numbers, graphs etc. (quantitative) Open – good for finding out about audience opinion or knowledge (qualitative) Likert/ratings style – good for judging feelings and easy to collate

5 Blank copy Include blank copies of all your materials and include them with this section.

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