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Study Group 2 Evaluating foreign language capability

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1 Study Group 2 Evaluating foreign language capability
What is the value added to the organisation through having a foreign language capability? Intuitively, military personnel with foreign language skills contribute to a capability which adds value for our organisations. In some cases value is added in tangible ways, in many cases it is added in intangible ways. Measuring the value added is important, so that we understand the benefit which this capability creates and can better inform decisions about resourcing. The aim of this SG is to agree an approach to such evaluation, including metrics which allow quantitative (as well as qualitative) evaluation to be conducted.

2 Day 1 Activity What is the added benefit of having language capability for Defence or for your country? How can this value be measured?

3 Day 1 Summary We agree that foreign language capability brings benefits / adds value. We have an idea what these benefits are. We are unsure how to measure them… Aim: A practical tool which we can pilot.

4 Day 2 Activity Question 1 Develop the list of potential benefits.
Which benefits are: Tangible / intangible? Measurable / unmeasurable? Include potential benefits for different groups. Question 2 How to quantify / measure the benefits? Include the “force-multiplier” idea. Question 3 How to quantify / measure what is lost if we do not have foreign language capability?

5 Foreign language skills – possible effects
Operational effectiveness. Interoperability. Credibility. Understanding. Access. Communicating. Influencing. Developing relationships. Lives saved. Intelligence gathered. Arrests made. Financial. Bilateral training. Force-multiplier. Conflicts contained or prevented. Saving time / achieving results sooner (e.g. security, confidence, cooperation, agreements). tangible / intangible

6 Day 3 Discussion Establishing metrics – is it possible?
Quantitative vs qualitative…? Stories – a constructive approach to appreciating and validating the effects of foreign language capability without ”measuring” them…? Positive and negative stories. Comparisons. Although effects may be impossible to quantify, they are none the less very real and impact mission success. What best explains the value added?

7 Next Steps…? Question for BILC Steering Committee:
Might this work be taken forward by a BILC Working Group?

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