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Ch. 20: U.S. Imperialism Mr. Snyder 11th Grade U.S. History

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1 Ch. 20: U.S. Imperialism 1867-1914 Mr. Snyder 11th Grade U.S. History

2 Section 1: The Roots of Imperialism
2 2 2 2 2

3 Imperialism The ___________________ in which stronger nations extend their _______________________, _________________________, or ___________________________ ________________ over _______________ territories The three aspects of imperialism are ______________________, _________________, and ___________________________ The United States used all three aspects to gain imperial conquests during the late ________________ and early ______________ 3 3 3 3 3

4 4 Reasons for American Imperialism
1. ____________________ ________________________ for ______ materials and markets for its manufactured goods. 2. ________________ and Military competition based on the need for a ____________________, new ____________ 3. ___________ _______________ 4. The ___________ _______________- America’s _________ is to police the __________ 4 4 4 4 4

5 Reason #1: Fear of Competition
After seeing __________________ imperial powers form in _______, Americans ____________ they would be left out of ____________ markets. __________________ businesses did not want to be excluded from opportunities abroad 5 5 5 5 5

6 Reason #2: Belief in Social Darwinism
Belief that only the __________________ nations would ________________ because they were best able to ________ American Social ___________________believed they were more ________________ nation and had the __________ to overtake other _______________ 6 6 6 6 6

7 Reason #3: A Desire for Sea Power
The ______________________ aspect of a nation’s ________________ in early 20th century was its Navy ___________________ had the strongest Navy at the time American ___________ ______________ ___________ _________________ Wrote The _________________ of _______ __________ _________ ______, argued that national power depended on control of the _________ ____________. _________________ book led to a great emphasis on building America’s ____________ in the early 1900s 7 7 7 7 7

8 Reason #4: The White Man’s Burden
Americans believed they had a duty to _________________the uncivilized people of ___________ and _________ Spread American ___________ and show the ___________________ people's the correct way to ___________ 8 8 8 8 8

9 Anti-Imperialism in the U.S.
Not everyone in ___________________ with ________________ policies Some felt it was ____________ ______________ The __________ man’s ______________ belief was _________ and _____________ Social Darwinism was _______________ Some felt it cost too much ____________ and resources 9 9 9 9 9

10 Purchase of Alaska “______________ _____________”-the purchase of ___________ by Sec. State William ________________ 1867, U.S. bought Alaska for $7.2 million from __________________ Many thought Alaska was frozen __________________ and a huge mistake -a waste of U.S. money 10 10 10 10 10

11 America Annexes Hawaii
________________-to acquire/take over and claim as territory ____________-United States and President McKinley __________ __________________ Overthrow of _____________ Liluokalani, and Native Hawaiians U.S. wanted access to ___________ and ______________ for trade 11 11 11 11 11

12 Section 2: The Spanish-American War
12 12 12 12 12

13 The Start of War-1898 Jose ________________-Cuban leader who wanted to end Spanish oppression and imperialism U.S. Supported Cuban independence and saw opportunity to get the Spanish out of Western Hemisphere Follow the Monroe ________________ Americans had feeling of ____________________ Jingoism is extreme _________________ during ___________ times started as a result of the ____________________ of the battleship ______________ in Feb. 1898 ___________________ Navy blamed for Maine attack 13 13 13 13 13

14 Yellow Journalism _________________ Journalism - exaggerated news to lure new readers and increase ___________ Used a lot during war times to rally support against the __________________ Two writers who used Yellow Journalism the most were William Randolph _________________ and Joseph ___________________ 14 14 14 14 14

15 “The Splendid Little War”
U.S. attacked Spanish fleet at Manila Bay in ___________________ (Spanish territory) Theodore Roosevelt led a group of volunteers called _________ _________ ____________ in the Battle of San Juan Hill in ___________ which U.S. ____________ war only lasted 3 _______________ before Spanish surrendered to U.S. and Cuban forces Spanish-American War was big imperial _____________________ for U.S. 15 15 15 15 15

16 Treaty of Paris 1898 Spain granted ______________ ________________________ U.S. gets the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam as ____________________ ______________________ Amendment passed as part of treaty allowed the U.S. to _________________ in Cuba’s affairs Cuba became U.S. ______________________ until 1931 United States had ________________ over ____________ but Cuba was not American territory U.S. established _______________ bases in Cuba as part of Platt Amend. 16 16 16 16 16

17 Section 3: Imperialism in China
________________ of ___________________-European nations had divided up China for ________________ purposes 1899 U.S. Sec. of State ____________ __________ called for: 1. open access to all of China’s ___________ to all countries 2. maintenance of China’s _________________ Called the ___________ ____________ _________________ and allowed U.S. to be _________________ regarding all trade with China 17 17 17 17 17

18 American Beliefs in Open Door Policy
1. _______________ of American economy depended on __________________ 2. America had the ____________ to intervene abroad to keep foreign _________________ open 3. A ____________ that closing an area to American businesses or citizens, threatened U.S. _______________ 18 18 18 18 18

19 Boxer Rebellion Attempt by a group of Chinese to ____________ all ____________________ influences from China. Boxers were _________________ Chinese who did not like colonial influence or threat of ________________ in their society Rebellion was ended by allied ______________________ forces Boxer Rebellion ____________________ trade in China for a short time and travel there 19 19 19 19 19

20 Section 4: America Becomes A World Power
Panama Canal Built to connect ____________________ and ____________________ Ocean Canal would cut travel time of U.S. ships to foreign nations by ____________ Panama was province of Colombia, but TR helped Panama get its independence to get Canal built Canal was built from and changed ___________ trade for American businesses unlike any other __________________ before Canal is an example of _______________ imperialism 20 20 20 20 20

21 Roosevelt wanted U.S. to have strongest Navy in the world
Great White Fleet New all steel fleet of a dozen ships that TR sent around the world to show U.S. dominance Roosevelt wanted U.S. to have strongest Navy in the world example of _________________ imperialism _____________ ____________ ______________ showed the U.S. had become a ____________ _____________ 21 21 21 21 21

22 Roosevelt and Latin America
Roosevelt believed America should have more ____________________ than any nation in ___________________ countries of Latin America Believed strongly in following Monroe Doctrine _____________ ____________-In1823 Pres. James Monroe told ____________________ nations to stay out of Western Hemisphere Roosevelt _______________________ (addition) to Doctrine- Roosevelt restated Monroe Doctrine, and called for U.S. to be “______________ ___________” for hemisphere 22 22 22 22 22

23 Roosevelt's Gunboat Diplomacy
______________________ diplomacy was nickname for TR’s ___________________ policies Use ______________ to accomplish goals in world, especially Latin America “Speak _____________ and carry a __________ __________” used this motivation to acquire land for ______________ Canal U.S. should flex its muscles as new world power and _____________________ others if necessary 23 23 23 23 23

24 Taft and Latin America _____________ __________________
Taft believed U.S. should invest money into a country to help strengthen that country’s economy in hopes of preventing __________________________ By _____________________ money, U.S. corporations existed in Latin American countries cheaper ____________ existed in Latin America ________ utilized _________________ imperialism more than military imperialism 24 24 24 24 24

25 Wilson and Latin America
____________ _________________- Wilson’s foreign policy based on moral _______________________ Wilson told the world the U.S. would ________________ take anymore territories. Wilson sent in troops to Latin American countries to stop _____________________ Wanted to stabilize countries but not ____________ any U.S. gain in turn 25 25 25 25 25

26 Achievements During Imperialism
U.S. expanded access to ________ markets to ensure _______________ ________________________ Built a ______________ Navy to protect interests abroad Became an international ___________ force to ensure dominance in Latin America U.S. became a ____________ power economically and militarily that other nations would respect and rely on in ________________ 26 26 26 26 26

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