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Update developments in Core CCR

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1 Update developments in Core CCR
K.TREPPER Network Code/Guideline Art. CCR Obligation* Current status ENTSO-E Website Link CACM Day ahead 20ff Common Capacity Calculation Methodology for Day ahead NRAs referred to ACER for the decision ACER published their final decision (21/02/2019), available here ACER decision Final version of the methodology available here 27.2 Setting up Coordinated Capacity Calculator Core TSOs have nominated Coreso and TSCNET as CCC in Core. Intraday Common Capacity Calculation Methodology for Intraday SO GL Regional Security Coordination 76.1 Proposal for common provisions for regional operational security coordination Methodology under development by Core TSOs Concept Note provided to Core NRAs More information can be found on Core CCR webpage: Work in progress Work not started Work approved

2 Update developments in Core CCR
K.TREPPER Network Code/Guideline Art. CCR Obligation* Current status ENTSO-E Website Link CACM Redispatch & Counter-trading Intraday 35.1 Proposal for a coordinated RD & CT Submission of methodology to NRAs on 22/02/2019. Latest version of the Methodology available here 74.1 Proposal for RD&CT cost sharing 74.7 Further harmonize redispatching and countertrading cost sharing methodologies with other CCRs Not started due to ongoing drafting of CACM art. 74.1 35.3 Report assessing the harmonization of coordinated RD&CT Harmonization report and consultation report submitted to NRAs on 17/01/2019. Core Report Harmonization available here. General 44 Fallback procedures for Day ahead Flow Based Market Coupling NRAs referred to ACER for the decision on the approval of Fallback Procedures ACER published their final decision (27/09/2018), available here More information can be found on Core CCR webpage: Work in progress Work not started Work approved

3 Update developments in Core CCR
K.TREPPER Network Code/Guideline Art. CCR Obligation* Current status ENTSO-E Website Link FCA Long Term 31.1 Regional design of Long Term Transmission Rights (LTRs) in CCRs where LTRs exist 1st amendment: NRAs’ approval received (06/18) 2nd amendment: PC closed (held 07/02 – 07/03/2019), Submission of 2nd amendment to NRAs on 08/04/2019 Latest version of the methodology available here 10.1 Common Capacity Calculation Methodology for Long Term capacities Methodology drafted by Core TSOs. Public Consultation open: 10 June -10 July 2019 Link to Public consultation page: 16.1 Methodology for splitting Long Term capacities 21.1 Operational rules for merging the individual grid models Under development by all TSOs within ENTSO-E. 21.2 Operational rules for coordinated capacity calculators Core TSOs have nominated Coreso and TSCNET as CCC in Core. 52 Regional requirements of the harmonised allocation rules (Annex) Request for Amendment received from Core NRAs (09/18) Amended proposal submitted to NRAs on 16/01. NRAs approved on 08/04/2019 Latest version of the methodology available here Work in progress Work not started Work approved More information can be found on Core CCR webpage:

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