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Word Study at Home Parents,

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Presentation on theme: "Word Study at Home Parents,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Study at Home Parents,
Students have been practicing word study words at school for the last two weeks as a whole class. They have learned how to sort words into categories and how to spell the given words through various activities. Students will have a set of words to refer to at school and another set will be sent home for you to practice with them. They will practice their words for 9 days and a final assessment will be given on Day 10 (the second Friday of each 2 week period). Below are some ideas of how you can practice their words at home. Other ideas were given in a packet during parent teacher conferences. Any other ideas and methods you use with your child to practice is great. No work needs to be returned to school. Cut words and feature category headings apart. Sort words under the feature category. This should be done each night for practice. Students should say the words as they sort them. Practice writing and spelling them in different ways.


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