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Tortilla Curtain TC Boyle (1995).

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Presentation on theme: "Tortilla Curtain TC Boyle (1995)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tortilla Curtain TC Boyle (1995)

2 Setting: Topanga Canyon (The hills just north of Los Angeles)


4 “Tortilla Curtain” Mimicking the “Iron Curtain”
Suggests flimsy nature of Mexican-American border Physical, psychological, emotional wall

5 Pay Attention to Symbols/Motifs:
Motif—a dominate feature in a artistic work; something that appears time and again Coyote Arroyo Blanco Estates and its gate The home arrest tracking device Lawns and yards America’s pregnancy

6 Pay attention to these other strategies:
Use of alternating point of views Satire/irony Thanksgiving! Delany’s liberal environmentalism Names: Candido & America Flashback Cliff-hanger chapter endings Character foils The red thread of the inciting incident The role of America Physical descriptions of characters Juxtaposition of events

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