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Owen Stephens 14th January 2010

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1 Owen Stephens 14th January 2010
TELSTAR Owen Stephens 14th January 2010

2 TELSTAR is a JISC funded project, run by the Open University 2

3 In collaboration with the RefWorks Reference Management software

4 references About integrating references 4

5 Into the Moodle VLE 5

6 And student e-portfolios 6

7 What is a Reference? 7

8 What is a Reference? 1. An acknowledgement of other’s work and ideas

9 What is a Reference? 2. A description of a resource intended to identify the resource to the extent a copy of the resource can be discovered 9

10 What is a Resource? A thing that can be referenced. In the context of teaching and learning this includes…

11 What is a Resource? Course materials Web sites
Books (electronic or print) Articles (electronic or print) Journals (electronic or print) Online databases

12 Where do References appear?
Course materials Library Resources Student content (essays, TMAs/eTMAs, ePortfolios)

13 ? In structured content In a library system Course Materials
Library Resources Student Content In structured content In a library system ?

14 ? Structured format Course Materials Student Content Library Resources
Project Aims: To create an exemplar project that seeks to: replace the legacy system, MyOpenLibrary (MOL) with a more robust integrated technical solution for managing library content within the VLE workflow; model more effective bibliographic resource management for the institution and the broader e-learning communities which can ensure efficient, timely and more flexible distribution of these resources; investigate the impact on changing practice for managing bibliographic referencing within e-learning; support the development and application of high quality bibliographic management skills for learning and employability.

15 Benefits for teaching and support staff
Easily create a set of reusable references Import references into Moodle as course ‘resources’ Automatically adds links to full-text online where possible Display references in a consistent reference style 15

16 “It would be time-saving for students and stop them
having to worry about the details” records information and its sources • organises the content in a manner that supports the purposes and format of the product eg outlines, drafts, storyboards • differentiates between the types of sources cited and understands the elements and correct citation style for a wide range of resources • records all pertinent citation information for future reference and retrieval 4.2 organises (orders/classifies/stores) information • compiles references in the required bibliographic format • creates a system for organising and managing the information obtained eg EndNote, card files OU Staff member, Focus group 2009 16

17 Benefits for Students Create a library of references within a familiar environment Create a bibliography from their personal library Share references with others Brings consistency to their course material 17

18 “Wish I’d had it through my course”
records information and its sources • organises the content in a manner that supports the purposes and format of the product eg outlines, drafts, storyboards • differentiates between the types of sources cited and understands the elements and correct citation style for a wide range of resources • records all pertinent citation information for future reference and retrieval 4.2 organises (orders/classifies/stores) information • compiles references in the required bibliographic format • creates a system for organising and managing the information obtained eg EndNote, card files OU student, Focus group 2009 18

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