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LEAD ME, LORD (Ps 25) To You, O Lord, I lift my soul My God, in You I trust Don’t ever let me be ashamed Bring all my foes to dust.

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Presentation on theme: "LEAD ME, LORD (Ps 25) To You, O Lord, I lift my soul My God, in You I trust Don’t ever let me be ashamed Bring all my foes to dust."— Presentation transcript:


2 LEAD ME, LORD (Ps 25) To You, O Lord, I lift my soul My God, in You I trust Don’t ever let me be ashamed Bring all my foes to dust

3 Soon treacherous men will see disgrace Who without cause betray But make my feet to know Your paths And lead me in Your way


5 Remember mercy and renew Your steadfast love of old Forgive the sins of foolish youth So brazen, brash and bold

6 For upright is the Lord and good Who teaches men who stray And makes the meek to know His paths And leads them in His way

7 Lead me, Lord Lead me, Lord, I pray Lead me, Lord, today


9 Now for Your name's sake, Lord, forgive My guilt for it is great Your ways are filled with mercy and Your paths are good and straight

10 Who is the man who fears the Lord. Who in His covenant stays
Who is the man who fears the Lord? Who in His covenant stays? The one who God has called His friend And teaches all His ways

11 So turn to me in pity, God For I am sore distressed The troubles of my heart are more Than my soul can express

12 My eyes are ever toward You, Lord Though I'm ensnared like prey Come pluck my feet out from their nets And set me in Your way

13 Lead me, Lord Lead me, Lord, I pray Lead me, Lord, today

14 Remember all my sorrows, Lord And pardon all my sins Consider all my enemies And save me once again

15 Don’t ever let me be ashamed I wait for You each day Come guard my soul, deliver me And keep me in Your way


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