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Excellence in a Regulatory Environment

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Presentation on theme: "Excellence in a Regulatory Environment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Excellence in a Regulatory Environment
Paul Glover President Canadian Food Inspection Agency February 2018

2 About Me Husband and father of 3 Computer Science and MBA
Significant experience leading large regulatory programs Responsible for indigenous health services Regulation of Food, Drugs, Devices, Natural Health Products, Over the Counter Medicines, Vet Drugs, Canada’s Food Guide, Special Access Programs, Tobacco, air, water, chemicals, consumer products, One of the “10 Toughest”

3 Know Your Environment Complexity Size

4 Know Your Environment Leadership Styles
Guidance Coaching Challenge Complexity Rules Directing Size

5 Know Your Environment Regulatory Models
self regulation system/design based results based Complexity Challenge prescriptive Maturity

6 Welcome to my Nightmare
Regulations are the root of all evil Regulations will solve all problems The folly of being “fair” vs the need to be Fair Common Sense? In operations In policy Legal Legal Legal….there is always a RISK! The border…more than just a line on a map! Political input vs decision

7 Focus on Core Competencies
Pack only what you need Less is more Be deliberate Instrument choice Credibility Do your trains run on time? Be Mindful Regulatory burden is real Regulation and innovation Regulation and competitiveness

8 Leadership Establish Alignment Create an enabling environment
Personal Commitment Set the tone ask questions, but listen allow ideas to come from all levels Mobilize and engage be specific and actionable empower influencers Focus on leadership teach Pride

9 Governance Makes “it” real Sets the tone
Provides predictability & stability Clarifies roles Supports Accountability Issues Management is not Organizational Leadership People Policy & Process Money Results

10 Planning and Execution two very different things!
This is Policy! Planning SWOT Get Ahead! Think about sustainability Foresight....don’t solve today’s problems, solve tomorrow’s! Engagement – staff and stakeholders Stretch Goals Evolve or Die! ..and it is hard Vision without execution is hallucination

11 Planning and Execution two very different things!
Requires rigour Execution Reward Systems Incentives / behaviours Name and shame Address poor performance Solve problems Careful Hiring Experience/Education/Values People/Money/Time …and discipline

12 Planning and Execution two very different things!

13 Coming and Going at the same time!
Strategic AND Operational Inspiring and Enabling AND Measurable and Specific Ongoing Agenda AND Change Agenda Short term AND Long Term Team player AND Controlling and Decisive The same AND different

14 When it all comes together
A high performing organization

15 Some Must Reads ...for me On the Folly of Reward A while Hoping for B – Steven Kerr Seven Practices of Successful Organizations – Jeffery Pfeffer What Executives should remember – Peter Druker Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System - Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton Blue Eyed - Nora Lester

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