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Fall of the Soviet Union

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1 Fall of the Soviet Union
What are some of the reasons that the Soviet Union collapses?

2 I. Reagan (1981-1989) vs. Communism
A. “Reagan Doctrine” states US will now stop communism around the world 1. Reagan sends aid to anti-communist groups in Afghanistan & Latin America 2. Reagan invades Grenada when Communists try to take over the govt. : Reagan starts a new Arms Race a. Reagan spends billions on a space-based defense system known as SDI or “Star Wars”

3 II. Collapse of the Soviet Union
A. Soviet economy struggling, spending money in Afghanistan & trying to keep up w/ US in arms race. B. Mikhail Gorbachev begins Glastnost & Perestroika: more openness & economic reforms C. As Soviet satellites in Eastern Europe abandon Communism, hardliners in Moscow blame Gorbachev : Hardliners attempt coup but it fails. D. Russian leader Boris Yeltsin says Communism must end & Soviet Union should break up 1. Parts of Soviet Union declare independence. Gorbachev resigns. E. Russia, led by Yeltsin, also breaks away & the Soviet Union is dissolved on Dec 26, 1991. F. 1991: Pres. George H.W. Bush & Yeltsin declare Cold War is over!



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