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Executive Summary By: Dijon Goodall.

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1 Executive Summary By: Dijon Goodall

2 Purpose/Context/Literature Review
The purpose of the study was to see the effects of breakfast on children’s academic performance There have been arguments about children who eat breakfast in the morning tend to have a healthier diet and participate more in both the classroom and physical activities than a child who does not eat breakfast Many parents believe that breakfast is important because the body is refueled with nutrients to help their child start off the day focused and alert

3 Method/Learning Outcomes
To make sure the data would have accurate results, instructions were presented to the parents of children who were used in the study. They would also need a parent or guardian to sign a waiver There would be a breakfast group and a fasting group that will take part in the study for a week to find out if the study affects the academic performance. Once the school week is over, students will take a children’s IQ test to show the results of not eating breakfast The results of the study will show whether children absolutely need breakfast to perform better academic or it is not required

4 Basic description of study
The study had included 30 children from Windmill Point Elementary School in Port Saint Lucie, Florida The children in the study were in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade, which their ages ranged from 7-9 years old All the elementary students used in the study were divided evenly into two groups, one that consumed breakfast in the morning and another group that fasted until lunch The breakfast group will be provided a nutritious breakfast meal for the school week. The fasting group will only be allowed water until it is lunch for the day. Once the children’s school week is over, they will take the IQ test the next school day with continuing to follow duties of each group.

5 Instrumentation The next slide shows an attendance sheet was provided to all the teachers to identify all the students that are participants in the study. Each participant was given a number throughout the study for identification

6 Instrumentation cont. Attendance Sheet Week of: / / - / / Monday
Subject #: 1 Subject #: 2 Subject #:3 Subject #:4 Subject #:5 Subject #:6 Etc. Tuesday Subject #: Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday N/A Sunday

7 Instrumentation cont. The next slide shows a sheet is provided to show the information of the participants. The chart also shows the results each student had with the IQ testing

8 Instrumentation cont.

9 Instrumentation cont. Overall Mean 8 98.53333 SD 0.787839 14.34004
No Br. Mean No Br. SD Br. Mean 103.6 Br. SD p value

10 Results/Analysis of data
Results showed that the no breakfast mean of the IQ scores was 93.4 There was a standard deviation of 9.6. for the no breakfast The mean for the breakfast group of the IQ score was listed at 103.6 Results show that the breakfast standard deviation was 16.6 The TTEST for the IQ all the participants gave a P-value of 0.08.

11 Results/Analysis of data cont.
The results concluded that 33% of the students had fallen into the below average category Most of the participants landed into the average intelligence category, which was 50% The above average category was for participants who scored a There was 7% of the students who made their way into this category The highly intelligent category included 10% of the participants, which includes a IQ score of

12 Results/Analysis of data cont.

13 Results/Analysis of data cont.

14 Discussion The data that was collected shows that the results for the IQ test of the children had a .08 which determines a non-significant relationship The data also determines that 66% of those who had breakfast had scored above a 90 in the IQ test The data shows that the participants who have not eaten breakfast had a 66% as well, which they scored above a 90 IQ score Overall, the study was not significant which could possibly be caused by students not following directions of fasting and staying committed The study has also showed possibilities of the students who had scored higher than 90 could have scored higher if they consumed breakfast

15 Next Steps/Evaluation & Reflection
In the future, the program design will be differently and under more strict condition, which could possibly provide a more accurate study Keeping the children in a program under a faculty control may be able to provide more accurate results The study may also show different results if the original study was for a longer period of time

16 References Davis, A. J. (2002). The effects of breakfast on the school-aged child. Theses and Dissertations, 1-47. Retrieved March 7, 2018, from 2423&context=etd Fulford, J., Varley-Campbell, J. L., & Williams, C. A. (2016). The effect of breakfast versus no breakfast on brain activity in adolescents when performing cognitive tasks, as assessed by fMRI. Nutritional Neuroscience, 19(3), doi: / Y Mohammadi, D. (2017). The great breakfast myth. New Scientist, 25-27

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