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PPG meeting 1st May 2019 Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "PPG meeting 1st May 2019 Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 PPG meeting 1st May 2019 Welcome

2 Ground Rules Confidentiality GDPR
Not about you (or your friends relatives etc) Listen and be heard What can you do to be involved

3 Future of PPG Good for patients because:
Patients will be more responsible for their own health. Patients will have a better understanding and knowledge of the practice and its staff. Patients will benefit from improved communications with staff. Patients will have a forum to suggest positive ideas and voice concerns.

4 Significant events – past year
Removal and storage of paper clinical records Telephone system & Reception leaving messages PACE Pharmacist – x 1 Patient facing x 1 Medicines management EPS2 Partial booking – referrals

5 Significant events – cont’d
Car Park charges Postural Stability classes PCN – Dr Neill Bramble

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