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Jeopardy Theories ETC Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Theories ETC Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Theories ETC Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200
Darwin Definitions Adaptation Theories ETC Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question Definitions
What is co-evolution?

3 $100 Answer Definitions The process in which two or more
Species evolve in response to Changes in each other

4 $200 Question Definitions
What is convergent evolution?

5 $200 Answer Definition Evolution toward characteristics
In unrelated species

6 $300 Question Definitions
What is the Catastrophism Theory?

7 $300 Answer Definitions Change through natural disasters

8 $400 Question Defnitions What is Uniformitarianism Therory?

9 $400 Answer Definitions Geological processes that shaped
The Earth are uniform through time

10 $500 Question Definitions
What is the definition of evolution?

11 $500 Answer Chromosome Process of biological changes by which descendants come to differ from their ancestors

12 $100 Question Darwin What is the science of fossils?

13 $100 Answer Darwin Paleontology

14 $200 Question Darwin What was not commonly believed in the 1700s?

15 $200 Answer Darwin Species can not change—devein presence

16 $300 Question Darwin In a population, natural selection acts on…

17 $300 Answer Darwin Phenotypic evolution

18 $400 Question Darwin The similarity in forelimb structure
Of humans, bats and moles is evidences That they….

19 $400 Answer Darwin Share a common ancestor

20 $500 Question Darwin Five factors that can lead to
Evolution at the population Level are…

21 $500 Answer Darwin Genetic drift, gene flow,
Mutation, sexual selection, Natural selection

22 $100 Question Adaptation Like modern plants, early photosynthesis
Plants used sunlight as an energy source to create sugars. Based on this, what had To be in existence in early Earth’s Atmosphere?

23 $100 Answer Adaptation Carbon Dioxide

24 $200 Question Adaptation An isolated population of bats goes
Through 100 generations with no Immigration. However genetic variation Within the population increases. What Best explains the cause in this increase?

25 $200 Answer Adaptation Random mutation can occur In each generation

26 $300 Question Adaptation In the evolution of eukaryotes,
Cells that contained mitochondria Like organelles had an advantage Because they…

27 $300 Answer Adaptation Could make use of more Available energy

28 $400 Question Adaptations
What did we discover In the mapping of the Human genome?

29 $400 Answer Adaptations We had similar genes as other
Organisms---shared a common ancestor

30 $500 Question Adaptation What is genetic divergence?

31 $500 Answer Adapatation Evolution of one or more
Closely related species into Different species resulting From adaptation to different Environmental conditions that Impact the organism’s genes

32 $100 Question Theories What is the theory of Artificial Selection

33 $100 Answer Theories process where humans makes use of genetic
Variation by acting as the selection agent e.g. breeding

34 $200 Question Theories What is the theory of natural Selection?

35 $200 Answer Theories The “fittest” will survive

36 $300 Question Theories What are the three theories of geologic change?

37 $300 Answer Theories Catastrophism Gradualism Unformitariasm

38 $400 Question Theories What is the theory of Unformitarism?

39 $400 Answer Theories Geologic processes that shaped the Earth are uniform through time.

40 $500 Question Theories What is the theory of Catastrophism?

41 $500 Answer Theories Natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, etc) shapes the Earth

42 $100 Question ETC Fossil records indicate that bursts of evolutionary
Activity are often followed by long periods of Stability. These bursts of evolutionary activity Most likely include…

43 $100 Answer ETC Episodes of speciation

44 $200 Question ETC Elimination of a species from Earth is called…

45 $200 Answer ETC extinction

46 $300 Question ETC In which rock layer would you expect
to find the most primitive fossils?

47 $300 Answer ETC Bottom Layer

48 $400 Question ETC Which of the following is NOT
A source of physical evidence Of evolution? Adaptation Fossils Anatomy embryology

49 $400 Answer ETC Adaptation

50 $500 Question ETC What types of evidence have
Scientists used to support the Scientific consensus of Evolution?

51 $500 Answer ETC Fossils, geography, embryology and anatomy.

52 Final Jeopardy A population of song birds breeds in the
summer at location A and winters in Location B. If half of the population Begins stayng at location B year-round What would likely happen?

53 Final Jeopardy Answer Genetic divergence of the two
Population of songbirds.

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