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Putting Success into Your Succession

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Presentation on theme: "Putting Success into Your Succession"— Presentation transcript:

1 Putting Success into Your Succession

2 Succession Planning by the Numbers
50% ______ of small business owners are 50 years of age or older. 78% ______ of small business owners intend to use the sale of their business as a method to fund their retirement, yet only ______ have a written succession plan.   30%

3 “Start with Why!” WHY WHAT HOW Circle… Circle Back!

4 Built to Sell or Built to Last?
Success in Succession Built to Sell or Built to Last? Company (Employees) Community (Impact) Customers (Relationships) Family/Owners (Financial Legacy)

5 Built to Sell or Built to Last?
Success in Succession Built to Sell or Built to Last? Why? Who? What? How? When?

6 Built to Sell or Built to Last?
Success in Succession Built to Sell or Built to Last? Feeling % Financial Family (Fear) (Faith) · 

7 Strategic Planning 101 Vision, Values, Volition Start, Stop, Continue
People vs Process Drive Statement: Me: My Department: Our Company:

8 Three “seeds” you want to plant for yourself.
Watering the Bamboo! Three “seeds” you want to plant for yourself. 1. 2. 3.

9 Use Code: Cultivate50 Cultivate 2019 Conference Special
50% OFF Through September 1st, 2019 Use Code: Cultivate50

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