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Welcome! Please find your child’s desk and get as comfortable as possible.  Your child would love an encouraging note from you. There is a paper on their.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Please find your child’s desk and get as comfortable as possible.  Your child would love an encouraging note from you. There is a paper on their."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Please find your child’s desk and get as comfortable as possible.  Your child would love an encouraging note from you. There is a paper on their desk… Please peruse the packet I have provided. Please silence your cell phone. We will be starting shortly…

2 Wendy Marsh

3 Wendy Marsh



6 5th grade curriculum & themes Volunteer Opportunities
Tonight’s topics are: Classroom Management 5th grade curriculum & themes Binders/planners Homework Communication Volunteer Opportunities

7 Scientific, technological, and resourceful students.
S.T.A.R.S. Scientific, technological, and resourceful students.

8 Classroom Management

9 5th grade is a big year! The kids are expected to be responsible and self-managing. Organization, accuracy, and clear communication are being taught and focused upon. Quality work is expected at all times. Goal setting is crucial.

10 Classroom Management be respectful, responsible and engaged
High Expectations S.T.A.R.S. be respectful, responsible and engaged solve problems make good choices come to school prepared

11 High expectations Effort Positive attitude Cooperation Teamwork
Work in on time Independence

12 Social Emotional Learning Curriculum
4th and 5th Grade Units Unit 1: Empathy and Skills for Learning Using self-regulation skills to succeed in school Developing the ability to have empathy Expressing compassion Unit 2: Emotion Management Identifying and managing strong feelings Using strategies to calm down strong feelings Unit 3: Problem Solving Solving problems on one's own What Is the Program? TALKING POINTS Describe the 4–5 Units: Empathy and Skills for Learning, Emotion Management, and Problem Solving. Unit 1, Empathy and Skills for Learning: There are two main goals for this unit. The first is to continue building on the Skills for Learning from previous grades. Specifically, students learn how these self-regulation skills both help them succeed in school and help them make and keep friends. The second goal is to develop students' ability to have empathy for others and express compassion. Unit 2, Emotion Management: The goal of this unit is to develop students' ability to manage their own strong feelings before they escalate and result in negative consequences. Deep, centered breathing—a calming-down technique called belly breathing in previous grades—is taught in this unit. Unit 3, Problem Solving: The goal of this unit is to develop students' ability to solve problems on their own.

13 Classroom Management Starbucks Jobs Tickets Store/coupons Auctions

14 “Discipline is teaching,
not punishment.” T. Berry Brazelton

15 Curriculum and Themes

16 Thematic Schedule 2018-2019 Social Studies The First People
Encounters with Early European Explorers Colonization The American Revolution US Government Civics

17 Thematic Schedule 2018-2019 Science: Life Science Physical Science
LS1: Structures & Behaviors LS3: Heredity & Adaptations Physical Science PS1: Measurement of Force & Motion PS3: Heat, Light, Sound, and Electricity Earth Science ES3: Focus on Fossils ~Health: Nutrition, decision-making, safety, and the FLASH program for Family Life and Sexual Health.

18 Reading Research shows: the more the better! Focus on non-fiction
Making Meaning - focused mini lessons - shared reading - guided reading groups - independent reading - reading response journal read aloud poetry songs

19 Writing Writing Pathways 4 Units
Lucy Calkins Writer’s Workshop model 4 Units Personal narratives, Informational/research, Opinion/Argument, Memoir Six Traits Organization, word choice, ideas, sentence fluency, voice, conventions Different writing purposes letters, essays, reports, journals, notes, stories… Integration with all other subjects

20 Eureka Math In a rich math classroom, kids are:
learning number sense fluency learning mathematics by using it to solve many different types of problems. drawing on their own real-world experiences. communicating their ideas out loud and in writing. gaining an “I can do it!” feeling. learning to be deep thinkers. learning to be persistent and to solve problems using many different strategies.

21 Math is much more than just computation!
Math is also: Geometry Measurement Probability Algebraic sense Logical reasoning Communication Team work Problem solving And reading!

22 Assessment 4=WOW! - Exceeds standard or above grade level.
3=YES! -The child grasps and applies the skill consistently and at grade level. 2=ALMOST- The child is approaching the standard. They need some additional practice and support. 1=BELOW STANDARD - The student is performing well below standard. This is an area of focus and concern.

23 The Binder

24 Nuts & Bolts The binder puts your child in charge
It should go to and from school EVERY day Organizes papers and supplies Helps them get ready for middle school. Please do NOT remove papers from the binder. We will purge on a trimester basis. Special “drop off” place established Feel free to browse the binder

25 Homework

26 Communication

27 Communication planner Shooting STARS Times - newsletters
Classroom Web Site Class blog Phone (425) Your child 

28 Volunteering

29 How can I help? In class? Yes please! Website
Read with your child regularly. Let them think about a problem before helping. Ask questions. Help them practice math facts. Check their schoolwork for quality. Help them to establish a reading time.


31 Partnering to Support All Students

32 Questions?

33 Thank you for coming! Write your child a note on the paper provided.
me with any questions. Sign up to help in class. And, have a great night…

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