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Welcome! I am back!!! I missed you!

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1 Welcome! I am back!!! I missed you!
Please take out your cartoons and something to write with



4 German Law Romans believed law came from the emperor, Germans believed it came from the people. Fighting and drinking were major problems in many Germanic villages, so they designed a justice system that answered to the people All people were not treated fairly however; wealth & importance, not the severity of the crime determined the penalty.

5 Terms to Know: Oath helpers- people who swore the accused were telling the truth Trial by ordeal- severe trial to determine guilt or innocence Blood feud- fights in which the families of the original fighters seek revenge Wergeld- fines imposed by the court, but collected by the public

6 Daily Life and Dagobert (7) The Fight for Floy (8) Gilbert’s Trial (7)
Germanic Daily Life Daily Life and Dagobert (7) The Fight for Floy (8) Gilbert’s Trial (7)

7 Germanic Life Organizer
Use the plays and your textbook pages to complete the organizer outlining daily lives for germanic peoples.

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