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Living Comic Strips Nancy K Hahn October 2008

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1 Living Comic Strips Nancy K Hahn October 2008
Build and demonstrate comprehension of text through movement, technology, rich discussion, and art. Nancy K Hahn October 2008

2 How do students create a Living Comic Strip?
After reading a chosen text, small student groups choose a scene that is important to understanding the text. Students discuss how to show in a 4 panel comic what happens during the scene. How can the characters positions and expressions show what is happening?

3 Students pose in ‘pause’ for each frame of the comic strip.
Each ‘pause’ is photographed on a digital camera. Students review the pictures to be sure expressions and poses make the events clear. Pictures are retaken if needed.

4 Pictures are printed. Students cut out characters (themselves) so the background is removed. Students draw the comic strip with the appropriate setting and glue themselves in place.

5 Highlights of Living Comic Strips
Students search text for information by looking for clues about plot, characters, and setting because they NEED to - not because they are told to.

6 Discussions build language and deepen understanding of text.
“What is that ‘milkweed’ those boys are put in the bags?” “It is that fluff stuff Ms. Hahn says is down by the bridge.” “You do like this (shakes hand) and it fly in air?” “Yes, it floats all over.”

7 Students will deepen understanding of sequence, plot, character, setting, and mood. interact with text in a positive way. feel capable, confident, and lower their affective filters.

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