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Polynomials Review Just in case you forgot…..

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1 Polynomials Review Just in case you forgot….

2 In a nutshell... Simplifying polynomials (gathering like terms)
Naming polynomials (# of terms and degree) Adding Subtracting Multiplying Dividing

3 Simplifying Polynomials
Terms are alike if: They have the same degree They have the same variable Add the coefficients of like terms (watch out for positive and negative signs!) 2x3+x2-3x3-4+2x-1 -x3+x2+2x-5

4 Naming Polynomials By # of terms: 1 term: monomial 2 terms: binomial
3 terms: trinomial 4+ terms: polynomial By degree: Zero degree: constant 1st degree: linear 2nd degree: quadratic 3rd degree: cubic 4th degree: quartic 5th degree: quintic 6th+ degree: nth degree

5 Adding and subtracting
The same as combining like terms, easy! Remember to watch your positive and negatives! Also remember to only combine terms with the same variable and degree. Subtracting: Switch all the signs of any polynomial that comes after a minus sign. Then add like normal! (2x2+x+2) - (3x2-2x+4) (2x2+x+2)+(-3x2+2x-4) 2x2+x+2-3x2+2x-4 -x2+3x-2

6 Multiplying and Dividing
Use the power law and distributive property -x(2x3-x2+8) Dividing Use the quotient law and distributive property (5x2-35x+15)/(5) -1x1(2x3-1x2+8x0) (5x2-35x1+15x0)/(5x0) -2x4+x3-8x x2-7x+3

7 Using Algebra tiles Adding and Subtracting
Lay tiles out like a normal expression Flip over tiles if you are subtracting them, then add. Multiplying and Dividing Multiplication and division table

8 Multiplying with algebra tiles
2x(-x+2) X 1 1 X X

9 Multiplying with algebra tiles
2x(-x+2) X 1 1 X X

10 Multiplying with algebra tiles
2x(-x+2) = -2x2+4x X 1 1 X X2 X X X X2 X X

11 Dividing with algebra tiles
(2x2-4x)/-2x = X X2 X X X X2 X X

12 Dividing with algebra tiles
(2x2-4x)/-2x = X X2 X X X X2 X X

13 Dividing with algebra tiles
(2x2-4x)/-2x = -x+2 X 1 1 X X2 X X X X2 X X

14 Types of questions you might see on the test
Naming polynomials Simplifying polynomials Adding/subtracting polynomials Multiplying/Dividing polynomials All of the above with algebra tiles Perimeter Questions Area questions “Create a polynomial” questions “Cost modelling” questions Maybe a binomial x binomial???

15 Polynomials PAT Questions (2013)


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