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2 We Depend on Nature We exchange energy and matter with our environment as we Eat Drink Breathe

3 We Depend on Nature We use Energy for heat and mobility
Wood for housing and paper Food and water for living

4 We Depend on Nature Nature Absorbs our wastes
Provides climate stability Protects us from ultraviolet radiation

5 Ecological Footprints
The human demand on the Earth’s ecosystem is known as the ecological footprint.

6 Ecological Footprints
The amount of ecologically productive land used by individuals, cities, countries, etc. This is compared to the amount of energy/time it takes for the Earth to regenerate the materials being used.

7 Ecological Footprint Calculation

8 1. Land Energy – fossil fuel consumption, natural resources

9 2. Consumed Land – built environment

10 3. Farm Land – food production

11 4. Forest Land – products for economy

12 5. Transportation

13 6. Agricultural Open Field production of tomatoes takes up more land than greenhouse production But Greenhouse production has a much larger ecological footprint (10-20x) Energy Fertilizer Other inputs


15 Don’t write this in your notes
Weekly food shop for an average German family. $500

16 Don’t write this in your notes
USA : $346 per week

17 Don’t write this in your notes
Chad : $1.62 per week

Live within your means POPULATION EXPLOSION Society already reducing numbers as awareness increases Your personal choices impacts the availability of natural resources , environmental quality, and global equity!

19 Some Major Problems Fig. 1–13a © Brooks/Cole Publishing Company / ITP

20 More Major Problems Fig. 1–13b © Brooks/Cole Publishing Company / ITP

21 Still More Major Problems
Fig. 1–13c © Brooks/Cole Publishing Company / ITP

22 Ecological Footprint Calculation
Don’t write this in your notes Ecological Footprint Calculation This is Mrs. Stephens’ Ecological Footprint.

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