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CS332A Advanced HTML Programming
Chapter 2 CSS Placement HTML Tag Affects the specific tag only (Inline Rule) To override preceding CSS rules Format: <HTML-Tag style=“property:value;”> …… </HTML-Tag> Head of Document Effects entire document web page Between <HEAD> and </HEAD> HTML tags <style type=“text/css”> selector{property:value;} selector{property:value;} </style> 18 20
CS332A Advanced HTML Programming
Chapter 2 H1 {font:small-caps bold italic 2.5em ‘minion web’ Georgia, ‘Times New Roman’, Times, serif; color: red;} 18/21 FORMAT H1 Tag to be defined { Begin definition font: Description will be of a font small-caps bold italic 2.5em ‘minion web’ Georgia, ‘Times New Roman’, Times, serif; color: red; } End of CSS Rule
CS332A Advanced HTML Programming
Chapter 2 LAB I CSS Placement HTML Tag (see links from web site) 1. Document without CSS - using h1 header defaults 2. Document with h1 headers hardcoded into web page 3. Document with CSS hardcoded into web page
CS332A Advanced HTML Programming
Chapter 2 CSS Placement Link to a CSS document Used to affect an entire web site Create external text file Do not use <style> tags in external document Standard CSS rules applied in external document File extension of .css Filename.css Format <HEAD> <link rel=“stylesheet” href=“filename.css”> <link rel=“stylesheet” href=“filename.css”> </HEAD> Inserts the CSS into the document Affects the entire document doing the ‘link’ CSS is in same directory 23
CS332A Advanced HTML Programming
LAB II CSS Placement Link (see links from web site) Document with CSS linked into web page CSS Document linked into web page
CS332A Advanced HTML Programming
Chapter 2 CSS Placement Import a CSS document Used to affect an entire web site Create external text file Placed between the <style> tags in receiving document Standard CSS rules applied in external document File extension of .css Filename.css Format <HEAD> <STYLE url(filename2.css); Other CSS rules </STYLE> </HEAD> Inserts the CSS into the document Affects the entire document doing the ‘import’ CSS is not in the same directory 28
CS332A Advanced HTML Programming
Chapter 2 LAB III CSS Placement Import (see links from web site) Document with CSS imported into web page CSS Document imported into web page
CS332A Advanced HTML Programming
Chapter 2 Defining Classes Creating a unique Tag A class selector Set up a style to be used with any tag Define your own style Name the new tag appropriately (do not use keywords) 31 FORMAT . Begin with a period Somename unique name { left bracket Property:value; assign properties and values } closing bracket
CS332A Advanced HTML Programming
Chapter 2 Defining Classes Creating a unique Tag 31 Usage CSS hardcoded, linked, or imported .smith {font-size: 18px; line-height: 75%;} <head> <style type=“text/css”> Blockquote.smith {font-size: 14px;} </style> </head>
CS332A Advanced HTML Programming
Chapter 2 Defining IDs Identify and Object 33 Set up a style to be used with any tag Cornerstone of Dynamic HTML (DHTML) Allow JavaScript to identify an object to manipulate Used only once of a page to define a single element as an object FORMAT #somename identify the object { left bracket Property:value; assign properties and values } closing bracket SAMPLE Page DHTML:34, Code 2.9 Web page: Page DHTM: 33, Figure 2.18
Defining NEW Inline HTML Tags
CS332A Advanced HTML Programming Chapter 2 Defining NEW Inline HTML Tags 35 <SPAN>…..</SPAN> Empty tag – has no properties Set any properties you wish Can be use with <div>, classes, IDs Hardcoded, linked, imported Usage <span class=“someclass”>……..</span> <span id=“someID”>…………..</span> Sample Page DTHML: 35/36 Web page: DHTM:35, Figure 2.19 Code: DHTML:35/36, Code 2.10 35
Defining Block-Level HTML Tags
CS332A Advanced HTML Programming Chapter 2 Defining Block-Level HTML Tags 37 <DIV>…..</DIV> Inherent property: line break before and after the tag Set any properties you wish Can be use with classes, IDs Hardcoded, linked, imported Usage <div class=“someclass”>……..</div> <div id=“someID”>…………..</div> Sample Page DTHML: 37/38 Web page: DHTM:37, Figure 2.20 Code: DHTML:37/38, Code 2.11
Multiple Tags with the same rules
CS332A Advanced HTML Programming Chapter 2 Multiple Tags with the same rules 39 Create the CSS rule Preceed the rule by all the selectors separated by a comma (,) Add rules for any separate HTML selector as needed Sample Page DTHML: 39/40 Web page: DHTM:39, Figure 2.22 Code: DHTML:40, Code 2.12
CS332A Advanced HTML Programming
Chapter 2 Define tags in context 41 Tag is used in context of the HTML document Nested tags Sample Page DTHML: 41/42 Web page: DHTM:41, Figure 2.24 Code: DHTML:41/42, Code 2.13
CS332A Advanced HTML Programming
Chapter 2 Making a tag important 43 Add !important to the definition Sample Page DTHML: 43/44 Web page: DHTM:43, Figure 2.26 Code: DHTML:44, Code 2.14
CS332A Advanced HTML Programming
Chapter 2 Inheritance 45 Parent/child relationship Outer tag is the parent Inner tag is the child Tags assume the properties of parent tags Example <body> is the parent tag of ALL tags Any tag inside the <body> tag will assume the <body> properties Sample Page DTHML: 45/46 Web page: DHTM:46, Figure 2.28 Code: DHTML:45/46, Code 2.15
CS332A Advanced HTML Programming
Chapter 2 Cascade Order 47 Browsers have the ability to override web page style sheets Visitors may set their web browsers style sheets Order: !important Weights of HTML tags (Page DHTML:50, Specificity) Last tag (rule) definition Inherited properties Generally: the visitor style rules will apply Sample Page DTHML: 49 Web page: DHTM:50, Figure 2.30 Code: DHTML:50, Code 2.17, 2.18,
CS332A Advanced HTML Programming
Chapter 2 Display or Printing 51 The web page, when printed, will not always print properly Create a .css for the browser display Create a .css for printing Sample Page DTHML: 51 Web page: DHTM:51, Figure 2.31 Printed output: DHTML:51, Figure 2.32 Code: DHTML:52/53, Code 2.19, 2.20, 2.21
CS332A Advanced HTML Programming
Chapter 2 Comments 54 Single line comment Begin with // No ending parameter Example // this is a comment on a single line Block of lines comment Begin with /* The CSS code End with a */ /* this is the first line of the comment this is the second line of the comment this is the third, and last line of the comment */ Sample Page DTHML: 54 Code: DHTML:54, Code 2.22
Style-Sheet Strategies
CS332A Advanced HTML Programming Chapter 2 Style-Sheet Strategies 55 Place style in external style sheets (.css files) Place styles in a common place (directory location) Easier to locate for updates Define a global.css style sheet Common to ALL web pages Define section.css style sheets Use with specific areas of a web page Create different .css files for distinctive uses Split the .css files into smaller files Larger files take longer to download Import/Link .css files as needed Save download time Place styles in the <HEAD> AFTER the JavaScript code Place the <STYLE> tags in the same place - consistency Avoid using styles directly (inline) in the tags Sample Page DTHML: 55
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