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Welcome to Hart Middle School
Curriculum Night 2018
Accelerated Math 6 Mrs. Nicole Richman Room A 4 5th and 6th hour
What Can You Expect? This is an accelerated class. We will be covering a year and a half of math in one year. In order to do that we must move at a steady pace. Your child must keep up. Nightly practice is imperative. Your child also needs to advocate for him/herself and ask questions when not understanding something. Numerical Expressions and Factors Integers Fractions and Decimals Rational Numbers Algebraic Expressions and Properties Expressions and Equations Areas of Polygons Ratios and Proportions Ratios and Rates Percents Integers and the Coordinate Plane Equations and Inequalities Surface Area and Volume Statistical Measures Data Displays
Textbooks/Supplies We will be using the Big Ideas Math Advanced 1 A Bridge to Success textbook. There is an online version of the textbook that can be found at Students should login through Clever with their RCS Google login and password. Rochester Community Schools provides all necessary materials and supplies for curricular classes. Parents who wish to supplement these materials and supplies for their student in this class may consider purchasing the following: pencils pens for checking highlighter spiral notebook 3-ring binder/or folder scientific calculator (TI 30 or better) book cover (paper bags work well) Students should have their agenda, math notebook, and a pencil with them everyday.
Classroom Procedures Fill in agenda for the day.
Warm-up exercise to review a previous topic or introduce a new one. Check and discuss practice from the day before. Activity that will lead to a discussion of new material. Some days there will be five to ten minutes at the end of class to begin the practice.
Classroom Rules Hart students are also Helpful Accountable Respectful
Each hour brainstormed and came up with a set of classroom and group norms. Those are signed and hanging on the wall in our room. Hart students are also Helpful Accountable Respectful Thoughtful
Tardy/Absences Students are expected to sit in their seat, fill in agenda, and begin the warm-up immediately upon entering the classroom. Any student not in his/her seat at the appropriate time will be marked tardy. When a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to be aware of the material covered in class. -Students are expected to consult the agenda board posted in the classroom for this information. -Copies of missed worksheets and/or handouts can be obtained from the folders on the counter in the classroom. -Students will be given one day for each day absent to get missed work turned in. *All absences have an effect on your child’s education and it is necessary to keep in mind that the classroom experience can never be duplicated.
One of the most important factors of success in math is the completion of practice. The concepts covered in class each day can only be mastered through experience. The more experience students have with a concept, the better they will understand. Please expect your child to have math practice EVERY night. The practice will be checked for quality/completion the following day as well as used for discussion. Each nightly practice will be recorded by quality of completion: Done (+)- Attempted all problems, showed quality thinking, and met classroom expectations. Incomplete (-)- Little to no thinking shown, did not finish, did not attempt all problems, or did not meet classroom expectations. Zero (0) – Not attempted Absent (ABS)- Was not present Students have the opportunity to receive a “done” on any nightly practice until the end of the marking period. Nightly practice will not count toward the letter grade at the end of the marking period. Instead, they will be averaged towards the student’s effort rating on the report card (i.e High effort, Demonstrates effort, Low effort). Math Practice
Check Points Students will be graded on their proficiency on CheckPoints and Chapter Tests. There will be a CheckPoint every 3-4 sections (about 2 CheckPoints per chapter). Students will have the opportunity to reassess on a CheckPoint up until the Chapter test. Students will receive the grade they earn on the reassessment. Students must have all practice completed, fill out the appropriate paperwork, and sign up with Mrs. Richman at least a day before the reassessment.
Chapter Tests There will be a Chapter Assessment at the end of each chapter. These tests will be taken through the online resource of the Big Ideas math program. Students will be given access to the online practice test at least two days in advance. There will not be reassessments on chapter tests.
Academic honesty is expected in all class work
Academic honesty is expected in all class work. Cheating will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to: talking at any time during a quiz or test copying another student’s answers during a quiz or a test having notes or books open during a quiz or test when not authorized looking at another student’s answers during a quiz or test copying another student’s answers on practice problems presenting another person’s work as your own (plagiarism) *Any form of cheating could result in a consequence of loss of credit at the teacher’s discretion. Academic Honesty
Class Participation Students are expected to participate in both whole group discussions and small cooperative groups. It is important that each child is an active participant in each day’s lesson. Hart behavior guidelines and established group norms are to be followed at all times.
Grading A student’s grade is determined by the cumulative points earned through check points, tests, and projects. Students/parents have access to grades through StudentVue/ParentVue. It is the student’s responsibility to keep up with missing assignments. *Any concerns with grades should be addressed immediately with Mrs. Richman.
Growth Mindset
Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Conferences Wednesday, October 10th 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 18th :30 – 6:30 p.m.
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Thank you for taking the time to come tonight and investing in your child’s education!
Mrs. Nicole Richman Room A 4 The best way to reach me is through
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