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Chapter XIX Column 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter XIX Column 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter XIX Column 2

2 Sordidus, -a, -um

3 dirty Part of Speech: Adjective Derivatives: sordid

4 Rem explicare Meaning: to explain the situation

5 melior Meaning: better Part of Speech: Adjective Derivatives:

6 tibi Meaning: for you Part of Speech: Personal pronoun

7 Esurio, esurire Meaning: to be hungry Part of Speech: Verb

8 Cubitum ire Meaning: to go to bed

9 Valde Meaning: very, exceedingly, very much Part of Speech: Adverb

10 ierunt Meaning: they have gone
Part of speech: Verb (third person plural, perfect tense)

11 Vigilo, vigilare

12 To stay awake Part of Speech: Verb Derivatives: Vigil vigilant

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