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Personalized Learning in Action

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Presentation on theme: "Personalized Learning in Action"— Presentation transcript:

1 Personalized Learning in Action
September 1, 2016

2 Essential Question How does our Creek View Strategic Plan and Personalized Learning Plan align?







9 How do my lesson plans and/or unit meet the reflect our school plan?
Scavenger Hunt



12 How do PBL units incorporate Creek View’s long term goals and personalize learning?

13 Where we were last year...

14 Choice Board Rotation Focus on Strategic Plan Long Term Outcomes #1 – Students will demonstrate an increased use of Critical Thinking skills across all content areas. #2 – Integration of Technology Instruction by staff and students in all areas. #3 – Increase Academic Achievement in the lowest 25% of students in all content areas.

15 5 Minutes…. -Decide as a team which stations teachers will attend
5 Minutes…. -Decide as a team which stations teachers will attend. -EVERYONE must go to Just-in-time Instruction (Academic Achievement) -Choose one from Technology Instruction and Critical Thinking Skills

16 Goal: Teachers will take something from each session that can be applied directly in the classroom.

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