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Integrins are required to strengthen Notch signaling.

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1 Integrins are required to strengthen Notch signaling.
Integrins are required to strengthen Notch signaling. S9–S10 egg chambers were labeled with anti-GFP (green), anti-FasIII (A–E; red), anti-Eya (F; red) and TO-PRO-3 (blue). (A) In an H/+ control egg chamber, FasIII (red) is restricted to polar cells, as is the case in wild-type egg chambers. (B) S10 mosaic egg chambers showing the abnormal expression of FasIII (red) in mys PFCs located in ectopic layers. (C) Reducing the amount of H restores FasIII expression and nuclear size in mys PFCs located in ectopic layers (GFP−, arrow). This is quantified in G and H, respectively. (D) mys PFCs in contact with the oocyte (arrowhead) show high levels of FasIII when Dl function is reduced. (E,F) FasIII (E) and Eya (F) expression patterns are not affected in baz PFCs located in ectopic layers. (A′–F′) Magnifications of the white boxes in A–F, respectively. Data in G and H show the mean±s.d. wt, wild type. M. Jesús Gómez-Lamarca et al. J Cell Sci 2014;127: © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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