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Presentation on theme: "Titration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Titration

2 Titration Strong acids ionize almost completely
Weak acids don’t ionize very much [H3O+1] not same as acid concentration

3 [H3O+1] Can’t be measured directly Determined by comparison

4 Acid-Base Titration Carefully controlled neutralization reaction
Requires standard solution & acid-base indicator Standard solution is: acid/base of known concentration

5 Titration Standard solution slowly added to unknown solution
As solutions mix: neutralization reaction occurs Eventually: enough standard solution is added to neutralize the unknown solution  Equivalence point

6 Equivalence point Total # moles H+1 ions donated by acid = total # moles H+1 accepted by base Total moles H+1 = total moles OH-1

7 Titration End-point = point at which indicator changes color
if indicator chosen correctly: end-point very close to equivalence point

8 Titration of a strong acid with a strong base
14- Phenolphthalein Color change: 8.2 to  pH 7- Equivalence Pt  0- Volume of M NaOH added (ml) 0 ml 40ml 20 ml

9 MH+1VH+1 = MOH-1VOH-1 MH+1 = molarity of H+1 MOH-1 = molarity of OH-1
VH+1 = volume of H+1 VOH-1 = volume of OH-1

10 MaVa = MbVb True for: monoprotic acids and monohydroxy bases
diprotic acids and dihydroxy bases triprotic acids and trihydroxy bases

11 If: # H’s in acid ≠ # OH’s in base need to modify equation: (#H’s)(Ma)(Va) = (Mb)(Vb)(#OH’s)

12 Titration Problem #1 In a titration of 40.0 mL of a nitric acid solution, the end point is reached when 35.0mL of 0.100M NaOH is added Calculate the concentration of the nitric acid solution

13 Neutralization Reaction
HNO3 + NaOH  H2O + NaNO3 HNO3 is a monoprotic acid NaOH is a monohydroxy base

14 Variables Ma = ? Va = 40.0 mL Mb = M Vb = 35.0 mL

15 Plug and Chug X (40.0 mL) = (0.100 M )(35.0 mL) X = M HNO3

16 Titration Problem #2 What is the concentration of a hydrochloric acid solution if 50.0 mL of a 0.250M KOH solution are needed to neutralize 20.0mL of the HCl solution of unknown concentration?

17 Neutralization Reaction
KOH + HCl  H2O + KCl HNO3 is a monoprotic acid KOH is a monohydroxy base

18 Variables Ma = X Va = 20.0 mL Mb = M Vb = 50.0 mL

19 Plug and Chug X (20.0 mL) = (0.250 M) (50.0 mL) X = M HCl

20 Titration Problem #3 What is the concentration of a sulfuric acid solution if 50.0mL of a 0.25 M KOH solution are needed to neutralize 20.0mL of the H2SO4 solution of unknown concentration?

21 Neutralization Reaction
H2SO4 + 2 KOH  2 H2O + K2SO4 H2SO4 is a diprotic acid KOH is a monohydroxy base

22 Variables Ma = X Va = 20.0mL Mb = 0.25M Vb = 50.0mL

23 Plug and Chug (2)(X)(20.0ml) = (0.25M)(50.0ml)(1)
X = M (sulfuric acid)

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