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Speechreading Perry C. Hanavan.

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Presentation on theme: "Speechreading Perry C. Hanavan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speechreading Perry C. Hanavan

2 Speechreading Lip cues Facial expression cues Gesture cues
Body language cues Linguistic Situational cues Auditory cues*

3 Speechreading for Communication
Normal hearing adults Infants

4 Good Speechreaders Gender (Dancer et al 1994) Age (Honnel et al 1991)
Linguistic ability Modal differences (Erber, 1974) Neurophysiological (Summerfield, 1992) Cognitive (Ronnberg et al, 1999)

5 Difficulty of Speechreading
Visibility of sounds Rapidity of speech Coarticulation and stress effects Talker effects Visemes and homophenes

6 Speechreading Enhancement
Ratio or comparison of: Vision alone : Vision +Audition The greater the difference between the two scores, the greater the amount of enhancement provided by the auditory signal.

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