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Oil, gas and coal Fossil fuels.

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Presentation on theme: "Oil, gas and coal Fossil fuels."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oil, gas and coal Fossil fuels

2 Outline Fossil fuels (Oil, gas and coal) come from the Earth’s finite resources. Is it the end of coal? 2. North Sea Oil and Gas : decline of a great source of wealth for the UK

3 Electricity generation

4 Imports of natural gas from Norway. Imports of electricity from France
Imports of natural gas from Norway. Imports of electricity from France. Imports of LNG from Indonesia and Qatar.



7 1. Is it the end of King Coal?
1.A dwindling industry from 1950 to 2006 1950s : 1 million people, 850 mines. 1980s : dash for gas 1980s and 1990s : pit closures following the 1985 miners’ strike. 2. Privatisation of the sector UK Coal.

8 2001: Uk becomes an importer
3. clean coal technologies : carbon capture and carbon technology. closure of last three deep mines. All coal-fired plants to be phased out by 2025. Sharp drop in both production and imports.

9 II Oil and gas 1. Britain : an oil and gas producer (North Sea)
2nd and 3rd largest producer of oil and gas in Europe. 1964 Continental Shelf Act (UKCS) The first oilfield : Off Scotland (the Forties). Brent Oil : near the Shetland Islands  The first offshore gasfield in 1965 1990s : peak years. : decline in production

10 2. A great source of wealth that is declining.
 2.5 % of the economy. 75 percent of primary energy resources of UK. Employs 330,000 people. 20% investment in the UK 330bn pounds in tax for the UK Treasury since the 1970s. : major restructuring and increase in efficiency Challenges in 2018 production, investment, decommissioning (£20-30bn a year), industry income and tax receipts Petroleum Revenue Tax and Corporation Tax (2015: cut from 50% to 35% of profits : abolished)

11 Brent Oil field, Production Platforms, North Sea, UK

12 The Sullom Voe Terminal handles production from more than two-dozen oilfields
in the east Shetland Basin, between Shetland and Norway.

13 North Sea oil and gas fields.

14 Aberdeen, an oil capital

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