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QUALITATIVE QUANTITATIVE Ex. The boy was very tall.

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2 QUALITATIVE QUANTITATIVE Ex. The boy was very tall.
-Something described in NUMBERS - the N in QUANTITATIVE can be used as a reminder for using numbers Ex. The class had 36 students in it. QUALITATIVE -Something described in WORDS -the L in QUALITATIVE can be used as a reminder for using language Ex. The boy was very tall.

3 OBSERVATIONS - You make observations with your senses
See, hear, touch, smell, and, taste. - Observe beyond the obvious, use SPECIFIC details to describe something Using scientific instruments will increase your perception of something It is ok to have a different perception than someone else, this creates a challenge

-List 1-25 on the front of your paper - Choose an ecosystem outside -Use all of your 5 senses -Collect both quantitative and qualitative observations -Write 25 observations from outside (about 25 min) -Now create 2 more columns next to your list, quantitative and qualitative -Mark accordingly Set up your paper as follows: OBSERVATIONS QUAN. QUAL. 1- 10 foot trees X 2- blue flowers X ……. 25- 6 petals on flower X

5 Sharing Talk with 10 of your classmates about their descriptions
Record 10 DIFFERENT descriptions Write 10 sentences using each of these different descriptions Underline the descriptor After each sentence write what kind of description it is quan. or qual. Ex. 1- Red flower The red flower was growing next to the pond. qualitative 2- 3 maple trees There are many trees in the ecosystem outside, but I saw 3 maple trees. quantitative

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