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Overview Handbook for Water Budget Development April 22, 2019

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1 Overview Handbook for Water Budget Development April 22, 2019
With or Without Models CWEMF 2019 Annual Meeting April 22, 2019 The Art & Craft of Water Budget Development: Part 1 PRESENTER Abdul Khan COLLABORATORS DWR: Todd Hillaire, Paul Shipman, Julie Haas, Cordi Sogge Woodard & Curran: Saquib Najmus, Frank Qian, Brian Van Lienden, Reza Namvar

2 Additional Acknowledgement
UC Davis Thomas Harter Graham Fogg Jay Lund UC Merced UC San Diego Roger Bales John Helly State Water Resources Control Board Sam Boland-Brien Chloe Liu Brent Vanderburgh U.S. Geological Survey Wesley Hensen Scott Boyce Jon Traum Randy Hansen (Rt) Justin Brandt Lorraine Flint DWR Maurice Roos Tyler Hatch Steve Ewert Graphic Production: Cordi Sogge Editorial Review/Document Production Francisco Guzman Charlie Olivares William O’Daly

3 Water Budget Handbook Overview: Presentation Outline
Purpose and need. Contents (Sections 1 - 9). Section 1: Innovations, Total Water Budget, Common Vocabulary, and Water Budget Accounting Template. Section 2: Water Budget Development Process. Sections 3-9 summary contents. Follow up presentations. Next steps.

4 Water Budget Handbook: Purpose and Need
Provide the California water resources community with a resource to develop water budgets for any geographic area and time period, using modeling and non-modeling approaches. Need: A water budget is a critical element of water management planning. Water budget development is mandated by recent legislation in California. No single practical reference guide available for developing water budgets. Assembly Bill 1668 (2018): AWMP to include “an annual water budget based on the quantification of all inflow and outflow components for the service area of the agricultural water supplier.” SGMA, GSP: “…shall include a water budget for the basin that provides an accounting and assessment of the total annual volume of groundwater and surface water entering and leaving the basin, including historical, current and projected water budget conditions, and the change in the volume of water stored.”

5 The Solution – The Water Budget Handbook
Systematically presents the existing, but unorganized, information on various methods and data sources for developing estimates of water budget components. Articulates a systematic process of identifying, classifying summarizing, and communicating water budget information Provides a catalog of methods that an agency may consider based on its needs, data and tool availability, and expertise. Is not prescriptive in what methods a water agency should apply to develop water budgets.

6 Water Budget Handbook: Contents
Section 1. Introduction Section 2. Water Budget Development Process Section 3. Land System Section 4. Surface Water System Section 5. Groundwater System Section 6. Case Study: Non-Modeling Approach Section 7. Case Study: Integrated Water Flow Model (IWFM) Section 8. Case Study: MODFLOW-OWHM Section 9. Data Resources Directory

7 Section 1. Introduction Section Highlights Innovations
Total water budget Total water budget schematic Common vocabulary Water Budget Accounting Template

8 Water Budget Handbook: Innovations
First-ever total water budget with 3-dimensional representation of water budget components and common vocabulary. Decision tree to streamline selection of a modeling or a non-modeling approach for water budget development. Water Budget Accounting Template to organize and present inflows and outflows for land, surface water, and groundwater systems. Case studies demonstrating development of water budgets with modeling and non-modeling approaches. First-ever compilation of relevant key data sources with tips and practical advice on how to use the sources to develop water budget estimates.

9 Total Water Budget The total water budget is a comprehensive accounting of all inflows to and outflows from the three interrelated and interacting systems in a water budget zone: A water budget zone represents any user-defined water management area, such as a watershed, groundwater basin, water district, groundwater sustainability agency (GSA), or other geographical area.

10 Total Water Budget Schematic
Land System Surface Water System Groundwater System

11 Common Vocabulary

12 Water Budget Accounting Template – Land System

13 Water Budget Accounting Template – Surface Water System

14 Water Budget Accounting Template – Groundwater System

15 Water Budget Accounting Template – The Total Water Budget

16 Section 2. Water Budget Development Process
Section Highlights Decision tree for water budget development approach Flowchart for extracting water budget components from models Flowchart for compiling data for non-modeling approach Documenting water budget

17 Decision Tree for Water Budget Development Approach

18 Flowchart for Extracting Water Budget Components from Models

19 Flowchart for Compiling Data for Non-Modeling Approach

20 Documenting Water Budget
Geographic Setting Data Sources and Gaps Spatial and Time Scales Current Conditions Future Scenario Methods and Assumptions Water Budget Validation Data Gaps and Monitoring Needs Human Resources

21 Sections 3 -9: Summary Contents

22 Section 3. Land System Section Highlights
Land system water budget components Estimation methods and examples

23 Section 4. Surface Water System
Section Highlights Surface water system water budget components Estimation methods and examples

24 Section 5. Groundwater System
Section Highlights Groundwater system water budget components Estimation methods and examples

25 Section 6. Case Study: Non-Modeling Approach
Section Highlights Geographical description of Water Budget Zone Filled out Water Budget Accounting Template Data sources and estimation methods Insights derived

26 Section 7. Case Study: Integrated Water Flow Model (IWFM)
Section Highlights Mapping of modeling inputs/outputs to relevant water budget components Filled out Water Budget Accounting Template Quick reference to relevant modeling inputs/outputs

27 Section 8. Case Study: MODFLOW-OWHM
Section Highlights Mapping of modeling inputs/outputs to relevant water budget components Filled out Water Budget Accounting Template Quick reference to relevant modeling inputs/outputs

28 Section 9. Data Resources Directory
Section Highlights Partial list of data resources available to facilitate water budget estimation Cross table connecting data sources to relevant water budget component One-page data sheet for each data resource

29 Water Budget Handbook: Follow Up Presentations
Todd Hillaire - Sections 3, 4, and 5 (this session) Systems and Components – A Process for Developing the Total Water Budget. Saquib Najmus - Section 6 (this session) A Case Study for Estimating Water Budgets Using the Non-Modeling Approach. Frank Qian - Sections 7 and 8 (next session: 10:30 am - 12:15 pm) Extracting Meaningful Water Budgets from Integrated Groundwater & Surface Water Models. Paul Shipman: Section 9 (next session: 10:30 am - 12:15 pm) Water Budget Handbook – Data Resources Directory.

30 Next Steps (Tentative)
DWR Executive approval: May, 2019. Draft Water Budget Handbook public release: June, 2019. Water Budget Handbook Workshops: Jul-Oct, 2019 Final Water Budget Handbook public release: December, 2019.

31 Thank you! Questions? Contact: Invitation to Poster Session:
Invitation to Poster Session: 5:00 -7:00 pm Tuesday, April 23, 2019

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