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Dreams & Other Worlds Research & Presentation

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1 Dreams & Other Worlds Research & Presentation
Dreams & Other Worlds unit Perspectives in Art Mrs. Senick

2 Dreams & Other Worlds Research
Choose one of the artworks we have discussed this unit You can only choose from one of the compositions incorporated into your timeline Research both artist and chosen image You will become an expert on the artist and composition Bio about the artist Why would they create a piece like this? Image and info on the artwork (when was it completed? Where is it now? What was the medium(s) used? etc.) Look for the symbolism in the piece Could this have been a dream the artist had? How could you defend your answer?

3 Create a PowerPoint Presentation
Be ready to present your findings to the class and “teach” about your artist and their artwork 10-15 minute presentation As an expert on this artist and their work you will: Create a PowerPoint presentation to give to the class Have some sort of activity for the class to do to go along with your presentation

4 PowerPoint Criteria PowerPoint must include a title slide with title, name, class, and date Total PowerPoint presentation must be 8-10 slides Include a bio on the artist Symbolism of work Image of artwork with information about it (title, date, medium, where is it now?)

5 Grading You will be graded on the following areas:
PowerPoint meeting the criteria Activity for class Research points were met Knowledge of the artist and chosen artwork Symbolism of the composition Met the minutes presentation timeframe

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