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Lecture 7: Noise to ASK, FSK and PSK 1nd semester

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 7: Noise to ASK, FSK and PSK 1nd semester"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 7: Noise to ASK, FSK and PSK 1nd semester 1438-1439
By: Adal ALashban

2 Outline - Several types of noise.
- Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). - Signal to noise ratio (SNR).

3 Noise - Several types of noise: 1- Thermal noise. 2- Induced noise.
3- Crosstalk noise. 4- Impulse noise.

4 Noise 1- Thermal Noise: 2- Induced Noise: 3- Crosstalk Noise:
Is the random motion of electrons in a wire which creates an extra signal not originally sent by the transmitter. 2- Induced Noise: Comes from sources such as motors and appliances. 3- Crosstalk Noise: Is the effect of one wire on the other.

5 Noises 4- Impulse Noise:
Is a spike (a signal with high energy in a very short time) that comes from power lines, lighting and so on.

6 Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN)
Is a basic noise model used in Information theory to mimic the effect of many random processes that occur in nature.

7 Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)
- SNR: Ratio between signal power to the noise power. - A high SNR: Means the signal is less corrupted by noise. - A low SNR: Means the signal is more corrupted by noise.

8 Two Cases of SNR: a High SNR and a Low SNR

9 Any Questions ?

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