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Texas Geography.

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Presentation on theme: "Texas Geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Texas Geography

2 Geography is the study of the Earth, its physical features, and the people and creatures who live on it.

3 The Five Themes of Geography
Geographers use the Five Themes of Geography to learn more about how people use the land. The Five Themes are: Location Place Human-Environment Relationships Movement Region

4 Location DEF: Relative location is using landmarks or street names to explain where you are. Example: next door to the bank or Addresses like 1125 Beverly Drive, Garland TX DEF: Absolute location is when geographers use the exact location of a place on the earth’s surface. Example latitude and longitude

5 Place DEF: Place is a description of the land using your senses
Example: Is it flat or hilly? Is it cold or hot? Are there any trees or grasses? Are there any houses or buildings?

6 Human-Environment Relationships
DEF: Human-Environment Relationships is how has man changed the environment to meet his needs Examples: Cutting forests to build houses, damming rivers, making lakes, causing pollution

7 Movement DEF: Movement is How people and products move around the world, and how they communicate. Examples- Moving to another country or state, shipping products from one state to another,

8 Region DEF: Region is how is the world divided into different regions.
Places are divided based on what they have in common. Examples: Regions can be divided based on Countries or States, natural environments, human races or religions

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