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A Short Tour of the Farm Garden Rows – Parsley, Sage Rosemary, and Thyme Edible Flowers Herbs in Containers Herbs for Southeastern North Carolina Farmers.

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Presentation on theme: "A Short Tour of the Farm Garden Rows – Parsley, Sage Rosemary, and Thyme Edible Flowers Herbs in Containers Herbs for Southeastern North Carolina Farmers."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Short Tour of the Farm Garden Rows – Parsley, Sage Rosemary, and Thyme Edible Flowers Herbs in Containers Herbs for Southeastern North Carolina Farmers Markets

2 Sage & Thyme in the Garden

3 Rosemary – Dew of the Sea

4 Edible Flowers for Color and Flavor

5 Other Edible Flowers

6 Fall Blooms

7 Toxic Flowers- Do not use Azalea Columbine Daffodil Delphinium Foxglove (Digitalis) Goldenrod Hydrangea Iris Jack-in-the-pulpit Lily (Lilium atamasco) Lily (Lilium gloriosa) Lily-of-the-valley Milkweed Mistletoe Monkshood Narcissus Nightshade family (Belladonna, potato, tomato, eggplant) Oleander Pennyroyal Poppy Rhododendron Yellow jessamine Wisteria

8 SAFE, EDIBLE FLOWERS All culinary herbs Bachelors Button Begonia Calendula Chrysanthemum Marigold Dandelion Daylily (Hemerocalis) Fuchsia Gladiola Hibiscus Hollyhock Honeysuckle Johnny-jump-up Nasturtium Pansy Purslane Rose Scented geraniums Snapdragon Squash/Zucchini Tulip Violets/Viola Watercress Waterlily (Nymphaea odorata) Yucca

9 Salad Bowls – Fall to Spring

10 Containers near the Kitchen

11 We can take the heat (and humidity ) Basils Texas Tarragon Lemon Grass Pineapple Sage Mexican Oregano

12 We prefer the cool season Cilantro (or Coriander) – Grows like a weed! Plant Culantro or Vietnamese coriander for the summer. Dill - Grows fall to spring. Dont expect to see us around when the cukes come in. Lettuces add color to the winter garden – We need a little protection in cold snaps. Cabbage, kale, mustards and many other specialty greens thrive and are ornamental and edible. Arugula prefers cool. Survives both winter cold and the heat of summer.

13 Cool Season Gardens

14 We need a little t.l.c. Thymes Lavender Garden sage Excellent drainage and room to breathe make us happy. Lavender needs sweet soil.

15 We need lots of help at the Farm

16 Supervisory Help

17 Visit us at the Farm or the Markets Poplar Grove Plantation Farmers Market Wednesday mornings Riverfront Market Downtown Wilmington Saturday mornings Waterfront Market Southport, Wednesdays Shallotte Farmers Market, Lions Park Saturday mornings Wrightsville Beach F.M. Monday mornings

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