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Hint Hint, Nudge Nudge With Sarah Bensinger.

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Presentation on theme: "Hint Hint, Nudge Nudge With Sarah Bensinger."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hint Hint, Nudge Nudge With Sarah Bensinger

2 Goal Get healthier Get more produce in our partner agencies
Give purpose to underutilized food Goal

3 Hint Hint, Nudge Nudge

4 Alabama has the 5th highest obesity rate in the United States for adults – 36.3%
Ninth highest rate for youth ( ages ) – 18.2% Facts!

5 Lets Get Healthy, Lets Get Healthy!
Drinking more water Exercising more Less screen time Eating less processed foods Eating more fruits and vegetables Bridging the gap of Food Insecurity and Food Deserts Lets Get Healthy, Lets Get Healthy!

6 Hint Hint Nudge Nudge

7 Getting more produce to you
Shop more produce at the Food Bank Have recipes that encourage the people you serve to want to use produce Educate on items people may be unfamiliar with Getting more produce to you

8 Hint Hint Nudge Nudge

9 Giving purpose Try and display items and give patrons a choice:
this will help ensure the produce is utilized and not wasted gives them dignity Giving purpose





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