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Lt. Stanley’s Algebra 1 Class Periods 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 8

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1 Lt. Stanley’s Algebra 1 Class Periods 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 8
Contact Information phone: call the school and ask to be connected to my room.

2 Algebra 1 is the first of three Math classes required to earn a High School Diploma in the State of Indiana. A copy of the standards for Algebra 1 can be found at the DOE website. Algebra 1 classes are designed to give students critical thinking skills along with problem solving skills necessary to succeed in future classes as well as being well rounded individuals in the real world.

3 Major Goals for my Algebra 1 class:
To prepare my students for future success in their upcoming Math classes while in High School along with giving them a solid foundation in Mathematics which will be very beneficial in their college careers. To prepare my students with all the necessary skills needed to pass the Graduation Test (ISTEP) after their sophomore year. This test use to be the ECA test for Algebra 1, but has changed back to the 10th Grade ISTEP Exam. Students who do well in my class have always done very well on this test in the past. Algebra 1 is a difficult class for many students, but a very important one since they must pass this test to earn a High School Diploma. To prepare my students to be successful in future High School classes as well as college by teaching them how to take good notes, prepare for exams, and being responsible young adults. I am a tough teacher who expects a lot from his students, but these high expectations are what will give my students necessary skills to be successful in their future endeavors.

4 (60 Points each grading period).
Content of Overall Grade Test {50%} Quizzes {20%} Homework {20%} APA Points {10%} (60 Points each grading period). I do not offer extra-credit for my students. I do offer Bonus Points for students receiving Homework Passes in my class at the end of the grading period or year.

5 Tutoring Procedures I offer tutoring any morning from 7:15 – 7:40 a.m. for students needing extra help. No appointment is required; however, you will need to arrive before 7:00 a.m. to make sure you can enter the building with me for tutoring. Access to the building is a problem if you are not let in by me. I will never go up to my classroom before 7:00 a.m. so you can be sure to get in the building with me. Otherwise you will have to take your chances on getting into the building after that time. I can also arrange other times if given appropriate notice for scheduling purposes.

6 Important information for parents:
A copy of my Syllabus was posted on the blog the first day of school and again on today’s blog entry along with this power point presentation for parents or students to refer back to if the need every comes up. Important information for parents: 1. I blog assignments everyday so you can be informed of what we are doing each day with that day’s assignment. This also allows students who may have missed the class to keep up on what they have missed that day. 2. I keep up with my Skyward grades posting my grades daily so you can see just how well your child is doing in my class at all times. I keep things up-dated for my students so I do not except late homework.

7 I expect my students to be responsible young adults at all times, so it is their responsibility to monitor their grades, get any missed assignments if absent, make sure they understand the concepts before leaving the class, follow directions given in class for assignments fully, and to do all their assignments when given to the best of their ability. 4. I allow my students to use their notes and prior assignments on all quizzes and tests in my class. Examples from the notes have been known to appear on quizzes and tests.

8 Students have access to their homework assignments well in advance since I post the handouts for homework at least a couple weeks in advance in my “L” drive which students can access here at school, but not at home. Students have been instructed to copy these assignments to their computer desktop so they have access to them whenever they need them with no internet necessary for them to do their assignments. If they miss class, they can stay up-to-date by having this information already on their computers and checking the blog for the actual assignment. 6. I also try to post at least two-weeks in advance in skyward as well, so students can see what is coming up and how much it is worth. I always announce up-coming test two weeks in advance so students can prepare for them a head of time. We review two days before each test with the review assignments looking just like the test on Compass other than Compass Test are generally Multiple Choice, but Review sheets are fill in the blank.

9 This has been a quick over-view on my Algebra 1 class
This has been a quick over-view on my Algebra 1 class. Hopefully I presented the importance of the class, my expectations for my students, and how my students can be successful in my class fully. Are their any questions from you that I need to answer at this time? Have a great day!

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