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Comparison of B. canaliculatum WECB equilibrated in varying concentrations of formic acid (FA) for 1 h prior to testing compared to a native specimen.

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1 Comparison of B. canaliculatum WECB equilibrated in varying concentrations of formic acid (FA) for 1 h prior to testing compared to a native specimen. Comparison of B. canaliculatum WECB equilibrated in varying concentrations of formic acid (FA) for 1 h prior to testing compared to a native specimen. The tenth cycle of each trial is presented. Higher concentrations of acid at incubation times of 1 h result in a transitional disappearance of the Hookean region of the stress-strain curve. At 88% FA, a 30 min incubation possessed a present, but greatly reduced Hookean region compared to the 1 h incubation pictured above. H. Scott Rapoport, and Robert E. Shadwick J Exp Biol 2007;210:12-26 © The Company of Biologists Limited 2007

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