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Happy Friday! November 16, 2012 Bell Ringer Quiz-

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Presentation on theme: "Happy Friday! November 16, 2012 Bell Ringer Quiz-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy Friday! November 16, 2012 Bell Ringer Quiz-
You will complete the quiz from the book that you are reading. Be sure to grab YOUR clicker.

2 Daily Learning Target:
I can apply literary elements in my own writing. How will you meet the DLT? You are writing your own vignette and you will include at least 1 simile, 1 metaphor, and 1 piece of imagery.

3 Meeting the DLT by writing your own vignette:
Choose 1 of the following topics to write your next vignette. Use at least 1 simile, 1 metaphor, and 1 piece of imagery. You CAN use more! Describe one place that makes you feel safe and secure, and one place that makes you feel awkward and insecure. Describe your neighborhood using interesting words and phrases. Pick something from your world and describe it from a child's perspective. Please underline your use of literary devices.

4 Creating a Visual Picture of Mango Street
Draw a map that accurately locates at least 5 of the character’s houses, apartments, stores, etc. on Mango Street. You may also add other significant features of the neighborhood like pets, objects, trees, etc. Select one quotation from the novel for each building or feature of the street and copy it onto your map in a physically or symbolically appropriate location. For example if I were talking about Esperanza’s house, I might write the quotation “It’s small and red with tight steps in front and windows so small you’d think they were holding their breath” (4) on the windows of the house.

5 Did I meet the DLT today? Rate yourself on the meeting of today’s DLT: (Write your number on the top of your vignette) DLT: I can apply literary elements in my own writing. 1- I KNOW I met it. 2- I think I met it, but I might need more practice. 3- I tried to meet it or I know I didn’t meet it and need help. Be honest- this is a tool for your teacher to use to help you.

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