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Eschatology The Judgments Part 2.

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1 Eschatology The Judgments Part 2

2 Future Judgments It is important to understand that the amillennialist is absolutely wrong in teaching, a general resurrection and a general judgment at the end of time. The better way to understand the pending judgments is to identify who will be judged, when, and if possible where. It is also important to understand why. Each judgment has a purpose that fits with the masterplan of God.

3 The Judgment Seat of Christ
Scripture does not define the location or duration of this judgment. We do know that it will transpire prior to the Second Coming of Christ in the Revelation at the end of the Tribulation Period. (Rev. 19:5-8) Paul repeatedly calls attention to a judgment passed upon New Testament believers at some point subsequent to the Rapture. (2 Cor. 5:8-11; Rom. 14;10-12)

4 There will be no exceptions to the accounting required
There will be no exceptions to the accounting required. Accountability was taught by our Lord in the parable of the pounds. (Luke 19:12-27) God looks upon the heart, discerns the motive, and judges in accord with the endowments bestowed. (1 Cor. 4:1-5) Paul disciplined himself so that he would not be unapproved. (1 Cor. 9:24-27)


6 The word rendered “judgment” is the Greek term bema
The word rendered “judgment” is the Greek term bema. It referred to an elevated platform from which judgments were handed down. This same setting was used for the umpires or judges at the athletic competitions. The basis of the believers’ judgment is the character and quality of service rendered back to God. The sin question was settled at Calvary. The service issue will be settled at the Judgment Seat. (1 Cor. 3:11-15)

7 The exact nature of the divine fire that will try the works of believers is not really defined. The results are! Valuable service rendered from the heart will be the gold, silver, and precious stones that will endure the fire. Those works which are not of the right sort will be consumed. This is the combustion able materials, wood, hay, and stubble. The individual is not burned. The sum of his life work will be burned if it is not pleasing to God, but he himself shall be saved. How tragic to enter heaven with nothing to show for the time lived as a Christian.  

8 By the same token, those members of the Church who lead disciplined, godly lives will be more than compensated for any earthly loss sustained in the process. Just to have praise of God (1 Cor. 4:5) will be quite enough. (Luke 12:42-44) While it is difficult to quantify, there is ample evidence some degree of millennial authority will part of the reward of a life well-lived for God’s glory.

9 Crowns Incorruptible Crown – 1 Cor. 9:25
Crown of Rejoicing – 1 Th. 2:19 Crown of Righteousness – 2 Tim. 4:8 Crown of Life – Jam. 1:12; Rev. 2:10 Crown of Glory – 1 Pet. 5:4

10 Must I go, and empty handed?
We will bestow our crowns upon Him who saved us and enabled us to live according to His will. (Rev. 4:10,11) Must I go, and empty handed?

11 There is a certain sense in which one may consider the Tribulation Period to be a judgment. It will certainly be a divine visitation of awful wrath. This wrath will purify Israel and turn the heart of God’s earthly people back to Himself. Unfortunately it will harden the hearts of most of the inhabitants of the world. In a very real sense the world will be devastated by conflict and natural disasters. The culmination will be the battle at Armageddon.

12 The nations of the world will be gathered for a final fight for world dominion. At the point they are gathered in the Valley of Megiddo in northern Israel, Christ will return in the mighty revelation described in Revelation 19: and Zechariah 14:1-15. As the nations of the world turn their weapons from each other to attempt the impossible in an attack upon Christ, they will be killed and go immediately to hell. Then will follow in quick succession a series of judgments which precede the Millennial Kingdom.

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