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Data from Mobility Survey

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1 Data from Mobility Survey
Annual Meeting 2018 Data from Mobility Survey

2 Will your state recommend the new Mobility Policy?
No Under Review New Mexico Colorado Oklahoma Florida West Virginia Minnesota South Dakota(‘19) Mississippi New York North Dakota Yes/Favorable California (2020) Hawaii Illinois Louisiana (12-18 months) Ohio South Carolina Texas

3 Will your state use the AMFTRB Form?
Yes No South Carolina Texas Illinois Maybe/Something Similar California Louisiana Mississippi New Mexico Ohio Oklahoma South Carolina South Dakota Texas

4 What adaptations are needed?
Form will need to meet SB840 requirements (Missouri) Would need to adjust to 3 years full licensure prior to application (South Dakota) Form would need to be conducive to 3 other behavioral health boards in the department/attempting to streamline processes (Texas) In 2016, the Board adopted the “5-year rule” for evaluating applications for LMFT licensure by reciprocity. Applicants not meeting the 5-year rule requirement, are advised by the Board of additional educational and/or supervision requirements which must be met to obtain application approval. The Board does not, per se, “deny” such reciprocity applications; instead, the applicant is advised of additional requirements to be met prior to MN LMFT licensure issuance.  (Minnesota) Legislative changes in terms of applicants currently required to have graduated from a COAMFTE accredited program (Mississippi) Legislative rule change to include LMFT practice for 1 renewal cycle; criminal background check; decision re: accepting ELL applicants (West Virginia)

5 What concerns do you have about the Policy or Form?
Difficult to get the form from other states (Oklahoma) Not sure if we can use the form (South Dakota, Texas) Altering of the standards by which a reciprocity licensure application is evaluated & approved requires formal rule revision. This process takes approximately 9-15 months and costs a minimum of $10, (Minnesota) Current standards in the state are in statute (New Mexico)

6 What are the potential barriers you see for your Board to the policy?
Current statute requires 10 consecutive years prior to application (Illinois) Minnesota has set what are generally viewed as higher standards to obtain LMFT licensure versus many other US states. Accordingly, acceptance of LMFT licensure in any jurisdiction as a basis for issuing a MN LMFT, when such license may have only been in place for 12 months, could be represented as lowering the licensure standards in Minnesota. Further, utilizing language based upon “one renewal cycle” creates administrative difficulty in correctly processing/evaluating a reciprocity application as renewal periods vary across the US.  (Minnesota)

7 What are the potential barriers you see for your Board to the policy?
Legislative concerns - currently, applicants must have graduated from a COAMFTE accredited program (Mississippi) Difficult to get forms from other jurisdictions (Ohio) Change in statute would be required to use the policy/form (Oklahoma) Legislation already passed (South Carolina)

8 How is your state currently working on Mobility?
Introducing legislation in 2019 that is similar to the policy (California) Law passed in 2018 session - LMFT for 10 years without disciplinary action (Illinois) Working to adopt new policy (Louisiana) In 2016, the Board adopted the “5-year rule” for evaluating applications for LMFT licensure by reciprocity. Applicants not meeting the 5-year rule requirement, are advised by the Board of additional educational and/or supervision requirements which must be met to obtain application approval. The Board does not, per se, “deny” such reciprocity applications; instead, the applicant is advised of additional requirements to be met prior to MN LMFT licensure issuance.  (Minnesota) Discussion Mobility (Mississippi)

9 How is your state currently working on Mobility?
Recent legislation re: reciprocal applications (Missouri) Everyone licensed in other jurisdiction in a different application process (Ohio) SC has passed endorsement legislation this year (South Carolina) Using the 5 year plan; 3 years licensure, to be presented to the legislature this year (South Dakota) 5 year rule in place; pending rule change, will move to 2 year policy (Texas) Opening rules for revision with emphasis on portability (Vermont) Rules require: actively practicing MFT and maintaining an ongoing caseload for at least 5 of the last 7 years immediately preceding application (West Virginia)

10 How is your state currently working on Mobility?
Accepts CA exam. Evaluated LMFT's original jurisdictions, rules and regulations to determine if "Substantially Equivalent;" if they are, then good to go. (Wisconsin) Considering two criteria: 3-5 years work experience, not decided which , and no disciplinary action (Wyoming)

11 Small Group Discussion
What are the barriers/challenges to implementing the recommended Policy and using the recommended Form? What are solutions to these barriers/challenges? What is your state doing to support Mobility/Portability? Policy? Rules/Regulations? Laws/Statutes? Compacts? Reciprocal Agreements?

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