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CREATIVE STRATEGY Creative: having the quality of something created, not imitated Strategy: a careful plan or method: a clever strategem Merriam-Webster.

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Presentation on theme: "CREATIVE STRATEGY Creative: having the quality of something created, not imitated Strategy: a careful plan or method: a clever strategem Merriam-Webster."— Presentation transcript:

1 CREATIVE STRATEGY Creative: having the quality of something created, not imitated Strategy: a careful plan or method: a clever strategem Merriam-Webster

2 Marketing Strategy The sum of the organizations strategies to achieve some larger, overarching objective related to the marketing function of the firm sales market share market expansion product introduction branding competitive response Suggests that the achievement of the objective will depend on a coordinated effort of all the marketing functions of the organization – pricing, product development, promotion and distribution.

3 Advertising/Promotion Strategy Concentrates more specifically on the strategies related to the promotion arm of marketing. Is concentrated on achieving objectives that can be influenced by communications awareness attitude change trial brand preference attribute linkage positioning Suggests that the achievement of the objective will require an integrated approach of multiple communications channels consistently delivering on a common message to a defined target audience. The promotion strategy may identify several communication objectives and target audiences.

4 Creative Strategy Concentrates on the specific message and its delivery, i.e. What will we say and how will we say it? Is heavily dependent on (and reflective of) what we know about our target audience in relationship to the brand. Is concerned with issues of Appeals functions executional choices, i.e. imagery, music tone metaphors and analogies Suggests that the achievement of the objectives will depend on a simple, relevant and truthful depiction/expression of the product/services value to the target consumer. Different objectives/audiences may require different creative strategies.

5 Flowers & Plants Association of the UK Marketing Strategy: expand the market for flowers. Get people to buy flowers outside of the special occasions like Valentines Day and anniversaries, weddings & funerals. encourage women to buy flowers for themselves, not just as gifts

6 Advertising/Promotional Strategy: position flowers against things like chocolate and clothes make the purchase of flowers a small but necessary indulgence Possible objective: Increase the percent of women who are willing to consider purchasing flowers for themselves They agree with the statement I feel it is very worthwhile to purchase flowers for myself on a regular basis.

7 Creative Strategy: Women typically only get flowers from a man. Not all women have a man, and not all men particularly like giving flowers. Too uncomfortable If you wait for a man to give you flowers you may never get flowers. And that would be sad. (Concept) Flowers. Why wait? Buy Your Own.




11 Mini-Cooper Marketing strategy Introduce Mini-Cooper to US market; sell 20,000 Mini-Coopers in first year. Promotional Strategy: Identify Mini-Cooper prospects and generate awareness, excitement and understanding of the car by celebrating the independent, iconoclastic nature of the potential Mini- Cooper driver Creative strategy: Differentiate potential Mini drivers from other drivers. Help them see themselves as better, kinder, more creative and fun-loving. Thats why they like/want a Mini

12 Mini ads

13 Creative Strategies: A sampler Before and After: negative followed by a positive (product benefit) Advice: we can help (product benefit) Knowledge: we know something you need, expertise Empathy: we know how you feel Demonstration: Look how well it works Testimonial: See how well it worked for him/her? Heritage: weve been around forever (nostalgia, expertise)

14 Brand positioning: we have something different than anyone else Brand repositioning: were something different than we used to be Comparison: we are so much better than our nearest competitor Challenge: Can you handle us? Are you ready? Negative to positive: That thing you thought was bad is actually good. Logic: Use your head and use our product Price: What a deal! Honesty: Heres the plain truth about us

15 And the different ways to express them… Visual metaphor Different takes on the proposition (i.e. MasterCard, or Got Milk) Product as God (Volkswagen Hey, theres one) Exaggeration (Axe) Proposition/product personified (Columbia, Im a Mac) Humor/spoofs (Old Spice) Social commentary (Dove) Anti-something (any ad that makes grown-ups look stupid) Topical (drive safely ads at the holidays from alcohol mfr) Facts and truisms (dog food that emphasizes how much owners look like their dogs, Coke)

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