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Health Care Update SBAC February 2010.

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1 Health Care Update SBAC February 2010

2 CalPERS Health Benefits Update:
How do things work at CalPERS? All State employees are mandated by Government Code to participate in CalPERS CalPERS Board sets policy, including: Choosing health care plans Negotiating with insurance companies & HMO’s on health care for all participants

3 What will be the process for 2011 rates?
CalPERS Staff Deals Directly with Insurance companies and HMO’s Behind closed doors (Jan-May): Develop overall plan design Set premium rates for new/current plans Design co-pay for plans In open meetings (May-June): Recommendations we are made to CalPERS Health Benefits Committee. Full CalPERS Board takes action on Health Committee recommendations.

4 Upcoming Board Meeting Dates: (Sacramento Area)
Health Benefits Committee: February 17th March 16th April 20th May 18th June 15th Board meetings: February 18th March 17th April 21st May 18th June 16th

5 Rural Health Care Update:
During the last 2009 budget process the legislature cut the program and funding for Rural healthcare. Next Steps: Assemblymember Wesley Chesbro will be authoring a bill to reinstate the Rural healthcare program. The funding of this program will be contingent upon funds being allotted in the budget.

6 National Health Care Update:
The Senate has drafted a health care bill. The House does not agree with the current Senate bill and are seeking options to make revisions to the bill. One option would be to draft a reconciliation bill, which would allow revisions to be made. The window for any further action on this bill would be between Presidents’ day recess and late March break for Easter and Passover.

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