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DhakaCom Bangladesh Cyber Security Status Global Perspective Mohammad Fakrul Alam dhakaCom Limited fakrul [at] dhakacom [dot] com

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Presentation on theme: "DhakaCom Bangladesh Cyber Security Status Global Perspective Mohammad Fakrul Alam dhakaCom Limited fakrul [at] dhakacom [dot] com"— Presentation transcript:

1 dhakaCom Bangladesh Cyber Security Status Global Perspective Mohammad Fakrul Alam dhakaCom Limited fakrul [at] dhakacom [dot] com

2 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 2 Agenda  Global Cyber Security Statistics  Bangladesh Cyber Security Incidents [few cases]  Bangladesh Information Technology and Cyber Security Status

3 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 3 Cyber Attack Definitions Cyber-warfare is the use of computers and the Internet in conducting warfare in cyberspace. Computer to computer attack that undermines the confidentiality, integrity or availability of a computer or information resident on it.

4 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 4 Global Cyber Security Statistics

5 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 5 Global Security Statistics SPAM 52.7%52.9%38.7% ANNUAL SPAM TOTALS 2009 [source : Trustwave Global Security Report 2012] 20102011

6 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 6 Global Security Statistics DDoS: Largest Bandwidth Attacks Reported [source : Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report 2011, Volume VII, Arbor Networks, Inc] Gbps

7 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 7 Global Security Statistics Application-Layer DDoS Attacks [source : Worldwide Infrastructure Security Report 2011, Volume VII, Arbor Networks, Inc] Application-Layer DDoS Attack Methodologies.. HTTP GET and HTTP POST were the most common application- layer DDoS attack vectors, more sophisticated mechanisms such as Slowloris, LOIC, Apache Killer, SIP call-control floods, SlowPost and HOIC are increasingly prevalent.

8 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 8 Global Security Statistics Distribution of Attack Techniques [source :]

9 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 9 Social Media Twitter / Facebook

10 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 10 Bangladesh Cyber Security Incidents [few cases]

11 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 11 Bangladesh Cyber Security Incidents Data reported from 1 st June, 2012 to 30 th November, 2012 Data received from different sensors across the globe. 125580 individual incident, 23131 Unique IP

12 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 12 Hacker Groups  Different hacker group emerge.  Bangladesh Cyber Army & Bangladesh Black Hat Hackers are most active one.  Claims that they have collaboration with other underground hacking group.  Hacktivism takes center stage.

13 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 13 Use of Social Media  Facebook, Twitter and other social media were used to organize the attack.

14 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 14 Site Defacement  Site hacked by hacker group named Indishell.  Government sites were targeted.

15 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 15 Site Defacement  Site defacement using known techniques like SQL Injection, Metasploit and CMS vulnerability.  64 district web-portals inaugurated on 06 January 2010 while the hackers invaded 19 of them by 21 March/2010.

16 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 16 DDoS Attack  DDoS attack on several financial institutions websites.  Reported application layer (HTTP GET Flood) on online newspaper portal. Attack stays for 72 hours with roughly 5 million packets per second.

17 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 17 Phishing Attack

18 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 18 Information Leakage  Information data leakage in PASTEBIN

19 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 19 Bangladesh Information Technology and Cyber Security Status

20 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 20 Digital Bangladesh  The government published it’s “Vision 2021” which targets the establishment of a resourceful and modern country by 2012 through effective use of information and communication technology called “Digital Bangladesh”.  e-Government framework.  Bangladesh Government web portal ( provides information on the most popular citizen services by the Government of Bangladesh.

21 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 21 Digital Bangladesh  Bangladesh Bank is introducing in stages services like e- banking, e-commerce, e-recruitment, e-tendering, mobile banking and automated clearing house service.  Online payment gateways are coming up and credit/debit cards are allowed for transaction.  Approximately 0.8 million mobile banking users.  Within 2020 it will be around 50 million which will be 47% of adult nationality.

22 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 22 Related ACTs  Pornography Regulation Act, 2012  Information & Communication Technology Act, 2006  Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulation Act, 2001

23 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 23 Legal Action  Some identified Cyber Crimes covered by ICT ACT 2006: -Hacking or unauthorized entry into information systems -Publishing or distribution of obscene content in electronic form -Tampering with electronic documents required to be kept under the law -Frauds using electronic documents -Violation of Copyright, Trademark or Patent design -Holdings out threats through e-mail  5 years imprisonment and a fine of up to $0.6 million for offenders for the first conviction.  Could be extended to 10 years imprisonment and $1.2 million as fine for each subsequent offence of the same nature.

24 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 24 Findings  Sites running on CMS are not fully patched and inherently carrying bugs which is quite easy for the hacker to penetrate.  Tools are available in the internet.  Lack of proactive monitoring and enforcement of standards.  Lack of awareness and most of the incidents were unpublished, unregistered and un-investigated.  There is no defined cyber security strategy in place to manage and mitigate cyber security incidents in case of a coordinated cyber attack on the Critical National Information Infrastructure (CNII).  There is no comprehensive cyber security law enacted or adopted yet. ICT related crimes are usually treated under the existing penal code.  Very few locally produced cyber security experts.

25 Bangladesh Cyber Security Status: Global Perspective dhakaCom Page 25 “To expect the world to treat you fairly, because you’re a good person, is somewhat like asking a bull not to attack you, because you’re a vegetarian !” - Quote from the Reader’s Digest

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