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Advocacy in the Human Services

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1 Advocacy in the Human Services
Elizabeth Jennings, MA 13 Jan 2010

2 Agenda Big picture Little picture Practice
What is advocacy in the human services? Little picture Your prep work for Lobby Day Practice Citizen Lobbying 123

3 Introductions What is one thing you are passionate about?
Personal or professional Issues, people, activities, etc. Me: Human rights

4 What is Advocacy? Put your passion into action!
Brainstorm: Synonyms for advocacy? Definition: Efforts to change policies or practices on behalf of or with clients/issues/communities Example: Human rights Letters to free prisoners of conscience Letters, meetings, demonstrations to change laws Community education re. domestic violence Lobbying to increase funding for DV programs

5 Continuum of Advocacy in Human Services
Public Policy Advocacy Community Organizing Direct Services Changing system to address underlying issues that create problems or limit assets for individuals, families & communities Empowering individuals, families & communities to identify problems & build on their assets Working within existing system to solve problems for/with individuals & families

6 Continuum of Advocacy in Human Services
Public Policy Advocacy Community Organizing Direct Services Which is most important?

7 Advocacy Cycle: Mutually Supportive
Community Organizing Public Policy Direct Service

8 Policies, Structures, Systems
Why Advocacy? Levels of Influence in the Social Ecological Model Individual Knowledge, attitudes, beliefs Interpersonal Family, peers, social networks, associations Community Social networks, norms, standards Institutions Rules, regulations, policies, informal structures Policies, Structures, Systems Local, state, federal policies and laws to regulate/support healthy actions

9 How? Advocacy Practice Tactic A Identify problem, needs, or asset
Conduct advocacy homework, research Select advocacy targets Tactic B Monitor for accountability Tactic C Adapted from Ezell, Mark, Advocacy in the Human Services, 2001

10 Policy Advocacy Tactics
Focus/Beneficiary of the Advocacy Indivs. Cause/ Issue Org. Nonprofit Sector Social Change Public Education Research Public info Admin. Judicial Legislative, Voter, Candidate Education Legislative, Voter, Candidate Lobbying Organizing/Mobilizing Collaborations Policy Implementation Advocacy Tactic

11 Legislative Education vs. Lobbying
What’s the difference? Lobbying = asking for a specific vote on specific legislation or election. Education = everything else

12 How a Bill Becomes a Law What are the opportunities for public involvement in law-making? Electing legislators Introducing bills Hearings Floor votes Other? What’s missing? Referendum: Government asks for citizen vote Ballot measure: Citizens/groups initiate vote Policy oversight: After the bill becomes law

13 Who Practices Advocacy?
Business, nonprofit, government, education, citizen groups, individuals Laws govern how much each can do What limitations are there on nonprofit advocacy? In your org: Who’s allowed? ED, Staff, Board, Volunteers, Clients, Supporters? What kinds of advocacy can each do? Be sure to check policies of your org!!!! When in doubt, advocate as a private citizen

14 Activity 20 minutes Divide into small groups
Review “Messaging” homework together Collaborate on one “Messaging” outline together Designate who will do what in your legislative meeting Be prepared to roll play!

15 Activity De-Brief What was challenging about the activity?
What did you learn? What additional info or prep would you like before an actual legislative meeting?

16 Closing Advocacy: Put your passion into action!

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